Chapter 15

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No, I am not changing (N/m) to (Y/n) since somebody wants me to change it. I'm keeping it the way it is. If I make a sequel, I may change it. -MoonReader109 signing out

(N/m)'s POV:

Stabilizing a magic spark isn't as easy as it looks. It probably looks like I have my eyes closed and facing towards the spark in my hands. Truth is, there's a lot more to it than just stabilizing something. It takes hard work and proper training.

What you need to do when stabilizing a magic spark or anything else is, you need to enter the object through your mind and touch the centerpiece. The centerpiece is often guarded. The amount of protection depends upon how large, small, and magical the object is. Unstable artifacts are stabilized often.

Once you touch the centerpiece, it will release something. Depending upon the object, there will be light, darkness, wind, water, earth, or fire. You have to resist releasing your hand so the object can be purified. It takes a lot of practice!

"(N/m)," a voice calls me. What? I don't remember voices calling you from what my mentors said. "(N/m)!" it calls again, but louder. It sounded like a child.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" It wouldn't hurt to call out. It doesn't disrupt the process.

"Yes, (N/m). I'm right here." I look down and at my feet is a little orange soul.

"...What is going on? I'm just trying to stabilize something."

"(N/m), please, *cough cough* come quickly! My friends are deathly ill! They need help. Follow me!" I follow the little orange soul and we arrive at a group of 5 other souls. There is one of every soul except red, orange, and black. (This is not GlitchTale) "We've been here for a while, and we tried to find a way out, but we've had no success."

"What are your names? I want to know who I'm helping here."

"We don't remember our names, but you can call us by our soul trait or color."

"I'll call you by your soul trait. Also, do you know where the centerpiece is? I seem to have trouble finding it."

"What's a centerpiece?" the light-blue soul asks.

"In here, it's a giant ball that floats."

"I don't recall seeing something like that, otherwise I would remember it." I think we're inside the centerpiece. Well, that just made things easier.

"Okay, I can't help you guys with getting better, but I have friends who can help. I can get us all out of here." I sit down and concentrate magic all around. After a little while, I release the magic into a blinding flash. I hear the centerpiece break, and I find myself within the kitchen again. This time, I'm with the souls in the centerpiece. They are very cracked and becoming dull. They all are about to die. "Gaster, Toriel, Frisk? Is anyone here?" I call out.

Gaster walks into the room and his eyes widen as he sees the dying souls. "Can you heal them? They're in desperate need of help," I say.

"Toriel! You might want to come to the kitchen!" Gaster yells. Toriel walks into the kitchen, sees the dying souls, and immediately starts healing them. "Where did you find them?" Toriel asks.

"In the centerpiece of the spark."

"Hmm. It is doable for me, but it will take a while."

"Thank you. I'm going to my room. I need to take a rest. It's exhausting to do that." Toriel takes the souls and I go to my room. I practically collapse on my bed and go to sleep. That really was exhausting.

In my sleep, I have a vision-like dream. I'm walking across the street with some bags full of food. I probably did the groceries. The sky turns red, then purple, and back to its normal color. I walk back to the house. Lost in thought, I put the groceries in the kitchen and walk back outside. I stare at the sky in wonder as to what could have happened.

The sky changes colors again in the same way as before. I take off running as meteors begin dropping from the sky. They weren't burning up as they normally would, but they were made by some serious dark magic. I don't know how I know that, but I did.

Next, I appear in front of a gigantic, shadow-black figure. I have a sword out that glows. The others are all in their own bubble shaded with a different color. The figure lunges at me, and I dodge, but I have a wound that grazed my left cheek.

Eventually, I stab my sword at the figure and it dies by turning to dust. Did I just kill a monster? No, I couldn't have! The bubbles pop open and my friends and family fall. I wasn't able to move as I watch them fall to the ground in horror. I thankfully wake up before I see them hit the ground.

I was shaking and sweating in terror. I look at the clock and see that 5 hours had passed. Hopefully, Toriel was done with healing the souls. I get up, and a tear falls down from my face. I had been crying? Then again, I did have a nightmare.

I got to the bathroom to see how horrible I looked. I look in the bathroom mirror. I didn't look too bad, except my face now had some light-blue markings around my eyes. They could be covered without arousing suspicion.

I walk downstairs and see the souls flying in circles around Toriel. "Having fun with souls Toriel?" I ask. "They're obviously feeling fine now."

"Yes, (N/m). I am having quite a bit of fun with them. They're really energetic." I chuckle.

"Glad to hear it." The souls fly up to me and thank me for helping them. Toriel is confused at what they say. "They're thanking me for helping them," I answer to Toriel's confusion.

"Oh. I'm glad I could help." She smiles.

"(N/m), we have nowhere else to go, so could we stay here?" Integrity asks. (Blue soul) My eyes widen.

"Toriel, the souls are asking if they could stay here. Can they?" Toriel's eyes widen as well.

"I'm sure it'll be alright with the others." Probably with glee, the souls fly around the house in exploration.

"Well, I guess there's more family to this household."

"Yes, there is."

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