Author's Note #3 Please Read

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A portal opens and Moon (me) comes through. "I hope this works," she murmurs. "Please let this reach out to number of people I have acquired by storytelling." She sighs, but puts on a smile in a last attempt to reach out to get the message across.

"Hey, everyone! Moon, here. Look, I know all of you were expecting another chapter, but I need some ideas for another villain. It could be an OC, it could be an alternate version of yourselves, it could even be me, but I probably won't put myself in the story when I'm the storyteller."

Another portal opens and everyone from the story except Helen, Linda, Gloria, and the reader walk through. They're surprised at their location. "How did we get here?" Gaster asks. He looks at Moon. "Who're you?"

"I'm Moon. Don't worry, you guys don't need to introduce yourselves. I already know who you all are."

"Where are we, and where's (N/m)?" Frisk asks.

"All I can tell you is that you're outside of your universe because I brought you here, and (N/m) isn't capable of walking through into here, and even if she did, it would cause a lot of problems."

"Why are we here?" Toriel asks.

"Because I wanted to bring you all here."

"Kiddo, how do you know of us when we don't know of you?" Sans asks.

"First off, my name isn't kiddo, it's Moon. Please don't call me that. I know of you because of my ability to so called "universe hop." I've traveled between different universes to tell stories of that universe. That's all I do, and that's all I can do." Moon turns back towards everyone else (you guys).

"So please, out of all of the kindness in your souls, can I please get ideas for their story? It would help a lot, because all I can do now is wait and STAY DETERMINED!" Everyone else from the story gets sent back to their universe.

Gaster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now