Chapter 28

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(N/m)'s POV:

I run into Grillby's, and I see Helen and the two other women. They all have smug looks on their faces like they own the place. Sans and Grillby are trying their best to not have anyone fighting. It seems like no one noticed that I ran in. Helen picks up Sans by the neck. "Helen, put him down!" I yell. I was enraged enough by seeing Helen, but hurting Sans makes it even worse. The three women turn around. "Oh look. It's the little pest, (N/m)," Helen says. I wanted to slap the ***** so hard she got teleported to the Shadow Realm.

"Let Sans go, Helen. I won't say it again."

"Fight me." Oh, she asked for it. I close my eyes as I feel the magic fire burning away at my eyes. (The magic fire doesn't burn anything. It's just when the reader gets mad enough, black and white fire appears at the eyes. It makes the reader looks cool and gets bigger the more mad the reader is.) I smirk.

"Alright, Helen. Your friends are getting in this too." I open my eyes and snap my fingers. The three women's souls turn blue as I bring them close to see the magic fire at my eyes. I only allow Sans and Grillby to see what's happening. I summon (magic attacks of your choice) and aim it at them. "Now, ladies, we're going to see how long you can last before I have to stop. I'm not going to kill you, (sorry everyone) but I am going to give you the punishment you deserve. Now, let's begin." I fire my (magic attack) at them.

"What are you?!" one woman screams at me while dodging one of my attacks.

"I am the one who will bring either justice or chaos to this world as I have done to many others." (Because 'I am your worst nightmare' is too cliché. XD) Helen tries to hit me, but I dodge to the left causing her to miss.

"Linda, Gloria, we need to get out of here!" Helen screams. I turn their souls green.

"B******, please. You're not going anywhere."

"Maybe if you let us go, we won't ever come back here again!" the woman named Gloria yells.

"I'm not a fool. Even if you never come back here like you say, that won't stop you three from mistreating other monsters when I'm not around. Unfortunately for you, I have a way of preventing that."

After a long while, despite their attempts to flee, they no longer have the energy to dodge my attacks. The battle ends, and the background changes back to normal. The three flee once more, and I turn to Sans and Grillby. "What just happened?" Grillby asks.

"I'm a badass, Grillby. That's what happened." I look at Sans, and he smiles with glee like he never smiled before.

"The others are going to know! Except Papyrus, he doesn't need to know." I laugh.

"Yes, Papyrus is a precious cinnamon roll," I say. Sans teleports away, and I talk to Grillby. "Keep this between you and me, eh? I don't want the world to know."

"Then why did you show me?"

"Because a lot of monsters trust you. And if they trust you, so do I." I walk back towards the door. "See ya, Grillbz." I walk back into the town and sigh. "Another day, another tomorrow."

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