Chapter 30

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(N/m)'s POV:

I was using the magical trackers to track Linda, Helen, and Gloria. Currently, all three were in split locations, but they were meeting together. It's PTA night today. I kept a very close eye on all three. Yes, they weren't very dangerous, but they are nuisances. "Hey, Sans," I say.

He was lounging next to me on the couch. "Yeah?" he asks.

"You sometimes go to the PTA meetings for Toriel when she's too busy, right?"

"Yeah. Why? You want to come?"

"Can I go instead of you, next time Toriel asks?"

"Sure, what are you planning?" Sans is smart. I smirk.

"Quite a bit, Sans."

"Okay, tell me what you're planning. You might need backup."

"I'm a goddess. When do I need backup?"

"One can never be too careful."

"True, but I've been in many timelines, Sans. This is only one of them. I've seen this type of timeline too."

"Is there a timeline where Linda, Helen, and Gloria don't exist?"

"There is, but you don't want to know what the timeline's like."

"How bad is it?"

"Very bad... excruciatingly bad." Toriel calls Sans from the kitchen. He teleports away and comes back.

"Now's your cue."

"They're at the school I take it?" Sans gets up and teleports me at the gate. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel are standing there.

"Heyya, kiddos. (N/m)'s taking over my place in PTA today. Can you show them where the meeting room is?" Frisk happily nods. Asriel and Chara understand. Sans teleports back to the house.

The three take me to the meeting room and sit outside. Do they do this everyday it's a PTA day? I walk in, and everyone stares at me.

Linda, Helen, and Gloria walk in at the same time. They're surprised that I'm there. "Why are you here?" Linda asks.

"Sans couldn't make it today. So I'm here in his place."

"Fine, but-" I start zoning out because I don't need to know how these meetings work. She's boring anyways. I zone back into reality when she finishes talking. "Now, let's begin the meeting."

Linda is the meeting president so she starts off by introducing everyone to me. Like I need that. I can just use magic to know people names, or I can ask them. She continues the meeting by talking about the school. I swore I nearly fell asleep from sitting there. I don't know how Toriel does it.

"Alright, our next issue we would have talked about today, but it'll get moved to next week."

"What's the issue about Linda?" I ask.

"About monsters," one of the other PTA members replies. I slam my hands on the table and stand up, furious.

"Oh really, Linda? About monsters? What problem do you have about monsters? Do you think that they don't belong in society? Come on! This is the 21st century! Not only that, I've had to make you leave from Grillby's twice because you were bothering them, and you, Helen and Gloria, you were with Linda bothering the monsters there when I had to kick Linda out the second time! So don't any of you even try bothering any monsters! Do I make myself clear?!"

"Who are you? The ambassador of monsters?"

"No, but I live in the same neighborhood as them."

"So that's what makes you think you're special?"

"Everyone is special in their own way, that includes monsters. So I suggest you get your racist *** out of this very room."

I walk out of the room. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel look at my furious face. "We need to leave." I teleport all four of us back home as my wings spread out.

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