Chapter 43

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I have 100 followers! What do I do for all of you?!

(N/m)'s POV:

Retribution is staying in our house for a while because he wants us to catch up with each other, and he doesn't have anything to do for the universes he has to protect. Most of the universes he protects solve the problems themselves, simply because he's the God of Retribution. We were chilling on the couch just talking about whatever as if the situation would suddenly become awkward.

"So, (N/m), who are you into?" he asks. I blush.


"Okay, stop being a smart***." I laugh.

"I can't help but be a smart***."

"(N/m), stop."

"Or what?"

"Or you will have retribution giving you tickles."

"No! My only weakness." I laugh again.

"Says the Goddess of Choices who's one of the most powerful being in the multiverse."

"No, no, no. You have it all wrong. You and I can exist outside of the multiverse. No mortal can do that."

"Unless they're an ex-mortal."

"That's not being a mortal."

"Then they've not BEAN anything." Sans comes over to the couch.

"I heard a pun," he says.

"You hear puns like they're a disturbance in the force," I say.

"So, you're into Sans?"

"No! Sans is into another girl." I turn to Sans. "Sans, go kiss Frisk." His eye sockets widen, and he blushes as blue as a blueberry.

"See? What did I tell you?"

"Okay, okay. You're right on that one; however, I'm still going to figure it out."

"I'd like to see you try." Retribution turns to Sans.

"Sans, who is (N/m) into?"


"I hate you, Sans."

"He was going to find out anyway. It was either now or later." Gaster comes over.

"Find out what?" he asks.

"Nothing," I reply quickly.

"Nothing you need to-" Sans gets interrupted by Retribution.

"It's who (N/m)'s into."


"I'll let you figure that out, mate."

"You don't know when to shut up, do you Retribution?" I ask.

"Hey, I'm the God of Retribution, not socialization."

"True, but you need to know when to shut up." I get up. "I'm going to my room." Retribution also gets up.

"What?" I ask.

"Retribution says that retribution is needed. That means that you need to be tickled, missy." I run up the stairs and try to lock him out of my room. That failed, and now everyone in the house can hear me being tickled by Retribution.

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