Chapter 20

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(N/m)'s POV:

A few months had passed since I discovered the "group" between Gaster, Sans, and Toriel. Undyne and Alphys finally got married. I had to give the hint to Undyne since Alphys was too shy to propose. I think back to what happened then.

The wedding was in the park. It was a beautiful day. Undyne was wearing a tuxedo. I was sitting between Chara and Gaster. Gaster on my left and Chara on my right. The others were in their respective seating places. Undyne was standing at the altar looking nervous as heck, as anyone would at their wedding. Asgore was standing next to Undyne.

The music began to play, and Alphys in a really cute wedding dress came walking out. I imagined Undyne blushing at Alphys. I smile. Behind Alphys was Toriel. Flowers were being sprinkled down by Sans from above. (No, I would not torment Sans into being the 'flowergirl.')

When Alphys reached the altar, the wedding officially began. Vows were told and the rings were brought out by Frisk. (I didn't pay attention to the wedding that I went to when I was 10, so I don't fully know how they work.)

Eventually, Undyne and Alphys kissed, ending the ceremony and starting the party. The party was a blast. There was music, dancing, food, drinks, and lots of fun. Sans obviously got drunk on ketchup and fell asleep. Papyrus had to carry him home like back when they were in the Underground. He was totally fine with it.

I was happy for the newly wed couple and congratulated Undyne and Alphys. Like Toriel, Alphys, Frisk, Asriel, and Chara, we didn't get drunk. We all knew it wouldn't end well. I was slightly ashamed and embarrassed about Gaster. Let's just say he went wild and everyone who wasn't drunk told me to hide and not come out until they said so. I peeked out of the bush I was hiding behind from time to time, but the more I peeked, the more crazy the party was. That was a ridiculous wedding. I still can't believe I had to hide from most of the party.

I sigh, bringing my thoughts back to reality. I didn't have anything to do because my channel was stock full of content for the next 2 weeks that I had to put online, it was a rainy day, and I didn't feel like doing anything. Sans teleported on the couch. "Hey, (N/m)."

"Hey, Sans."

"What're you doing?"

"Don't you mean water you doing?" Sans and I laugh at my pun.

"Feel like doing anything?"

"Nope, I'm just chilling here."

"Cool." Sans and I chill on the couch for the rest of the day.

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