Chapter 14

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I finally remembered to have two missing characters added to the story. I totally forgot about them. There will be a legit reason why they weren't in the story sooner. (s/c) = soul color

Gaster's POV:

Saturday...the day I have a break from work. Alphys has her day off on Sundays, Toriel obviously has the weekend, but is still very busy, Asgore has the same days has Toriel, but isn't that busy. I should know this, but I don't know when Sans and Papyrus have their days off. (N/m) stays at home recording videos, but is sometimes needed somewhere, nobody knows where.

The door slams open. Mettaton and Nabstablook walk into the house. (Nabstablook has a robot body) "Hello, everyone," Nabstablook says.

"Hello, Mettaton and Nabstblook," I reply.

"Where is everyone?" Mettaton asks.

"Upstairs. Let me call them down." I cup my hands around my mouth and point it upward. "Nabstablook and Mettaton are back from world tour!" Everyone upstairs comes down except (N/m). "Where's (N/m)?"


"Hey, punks!" Undyne says excitedly.

"Sup, guys," Sans says.

"How was world tour?" Frisk asks.

"Hey, guys!" Asriel exclaims. Chara is quiet as usual.

"Hello," Toriel and Asgore say.

"Where's Alphys?" Nabstablook asks. "I wanted to thank her for making my new body. I didn't get the chance before."

"At work," I reply.

"Sorry, I was just finishing a video. I'm here now," (N/m) says apologetically. She notices Mettaton and Nabstablook. "Wait, you guys know Mettaton and Nabstablook personally?!"

"Yes. Did you not hear me say what I said earlier?" Gaster asks.

"It didn't process through my brain."

"Since when was there a human living here? Not that it's wrong or anything," Mettaton asks.

"A couple weeks ago."

"My house got destroyed by a meteor. By the way, if you go into my room, please don't touch the ruby," (N/m) says in response.

"Why? It's probably shiny," Mettaton asks.

"Because if you do, you will die by the gem. I don't want anyone dead." Their expression changes to an expression of shock and horror. "Just don't touch it."

"Asriel could have died?!" Frisk exclaims. "What?!"

"Why do you think I saved him without a thought running through my head?! He was trapped in his mind unless he either died or I got him out!"

"Mettaton and Nabstablook, can I talk to you two for a minute in private? I need to ask some questions about the magic in the area," I ask. They both nod in reply. When we are in the kitchen, I ask them, "Okay, now that we have that out of the way, what do you two know about the magic in the area? I'm sure someone has noticed the effects by now."

"Well," Mettaton starts. "I don't know about Blookie, but I have seen some weird things. I haven't felt the effects."

"Gaster," Nabstablook says. "I've also seen some weird things. We haven't felt the effects, I think, because we have robot bodies. I've seen monsters and humans fly or float in the air without wings, some going invisible without any warning, or others wishing for objects and getting them. It's almost like they summon these wanted possessions."

"I've also seen the flying and floating, but I've seen only monsters grow taller at an alarming rate, and only humans shrink."

"Hmm. This weirdness is getting out of hand. Say, do you two know how we can obtain this magic without having to use these 'magic sparks?'" They both shrug.

"I heard something about magic sparks and magical effects coming from here," (N/m) says.

"We were just talking about-" She interrupts me.

"I want to help. I can't just keep avoiding these situations that are growing severely intense."

"Unless you have-" She interrupts me a second time.

"I do have a way to help. You said you need a way to gather this magic. I have a way that's actually really simple."

"And what would that be?" She closes her eyes. "...(N/m)?"

"Shh, I'm trying to find the nearest spark." She opens her (e/c) eyes. "And it's coming from the oven."

"What? There's no way-" (N/m) opens the oven and pulls out a yellow star. (It looks the save points in the game)

"Yup. Just as I expected. It must have been here for a while now. Otherwise it wouldn't be so bright."

"How are you able to hold it?"

"Magic, what other explanation is there? Besides, this type of magic is delicate."

"How much do you know about it?"

"Quite a bit. I have my ways of knowing." How much does (N/m) know? "I just need to stabilize it. That way, it won't disappear on you." (N/m) makes her soul appear. It is (s/c) and is half a heart and half an upside-down heart.

"(N/m), your soul...."

"Hmm? Oh, about that, it's a long story, and I didn't clarify that I was a human, or a monster for that matter. I'm kind of neither, half-and-half, if you will. Now, let me stabilize this. It will take about half an hour, and I can't be interrupted. It'll only make the stabilization process longer."

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