Chapter 9

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Reader's POV:

Lewis and I walk back into Yogtowers. We are sweating very badly considering we had just ran from some of the organization that was trying to investigate Yogtowers. We had ran for 5 miles without stopping. Our legs were ready to drop at any moment. "Lewis, how did we do that?" I ask while wheezing very badly. I drop to the ground. "I don't know, (N/m), that was harder than I expected."

"Are we done here, or is there anything else?"

"No, I'll probably get Sjin to do the rest." Lewis walks off. I look around and see if anybody is near. Thankfully, no. I really didn't want to lie on the ground like a helpless idiot. I teleport to my room and onto fuffy pillows. The walls and bedsheet are (f/c). The floor is blue carpet.

This felt like heaven after running 5 miles. I close my eyes for a few minutes, and I fall asleep. My vision goes black from there.

"Hey, remember the last choice you made?!" a voice yells in my head. I open my eyes. Everything is pitch-black, except for myself. I am somehow glowing white. "Hey, I know you can hear me! Do you remember your last choice?"

"I...I remember."

"Good, because you're going to make another one!"

"Wha-" My vision fades black again. In my head is a memory. I don't know how I know this. My vision returns, and everything is white. I am walking down a hallway, holding some papers in my hands. I am wearing glasses, and I am a guy. (No, the reader is not officially a guy.) I open the door to a very familiar room. The room is the room of Creation, or the Office of the God of Creation. The walls are white, as well as the floor and ceiling. "You called for me, Creation?" I ask.

"Ah!" Creation startles. "Choices, you startled me." Creation is a beautiful women with long hair. Her hair often changes color because of all the creation. Her long dress changes color for the exact same reason.

"Sorry, Creation. I didn't mean to startle you." Creation giggles.

"Of course, of course. Now, I brought you here so that I could get your opinion on this matter. Ideas and Action brought forth an idea that I have yet to decide. I want to get your opinion to see if it is wise to go with it."

"What is this idea, m'lady?" Creation blushes a little.

"Oh, stop. You're making me blush. The idea is to go into one of my worlds and see what is going on. It is wise to do this? If I go, I get to see if there is any world corruption, but I could be put into danger. If I don't go, I will be safe, but there could be world corruption." Yes/No.

-If you chose yes, continue here-

"Hmm.... Yes, it would be wise to go check if there is world corruption."

"Alright, thank you. I shall tell Ideas and Action of our decision." Creation leaves the room.

-If you chose no, continue here-

"Hmm.... No, you could be put at risk of death. Then the balance would tip if you died."

"Alright, thank you. I shall tell Ideas and Action of our decision." Creation leaves the room.

-Story continues-

My vision blacks out and returns once more. Everything is pitch-black again. "Why did you show me that? And why was I called, Choices?"

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember... what, exactly?"

"Aw man, I thought you'd remember for sure. Oh well, I can't tell you anyway. Creation would have my butt handed to me on a silver platter."

That was when I woke up. "Weird dream, that's for sure."

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