Chapter 50

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(N/m)'s POV:

The "Boss" returns to the room. "Alright," he begins. "I just want to ask you for one thing that can help me. A favor, if you will. I need your magic." I arch an eyebrow. Does he mean that I help him with my magic or he takes some or all of my affinities?

"What do you mean and what's your motive?" He smirks.

"I knew I'd get you talking. At least I don't have to use my tools." His attention glides over to the table and back to me.

"You avoided my questions."

"I mean that you give me your magic, all of it." His eyes peer into mine.

"Why? I don't give my magic to just anyone."

"To impress someone."

"A girl?" I can faintly see him blushing. "Pfft. You're blushing. Also, who's the one? Not all girls are attracted to wizards."

"You know her."

"I know many people."

"You live with her."

"Which realm?"

"This universe." That leaves Chara, Frisk and Mettaton.

"Human or monster?"

"Human... of sorts." Frisk and Chara. Both of them have enough determination to reset a timeline, and with the timelines that they've been through... they're not seen as entirely human to anyone that knows of the resets.

"F or C?"

"What?" I repeat my question. It would determine who he's talking about. He's still confused. I sigh. Since he didn't know what I'm talking about, this final question would solve everything.

"Were they seen as an angel or a demon?"

"Demon." It was Chara, and by the looks of things, he's known of her for a very long time.

"What's your name?" I finally ask.


"How long have you known her?"

"Do you really have to ask so many questions?"

"Do you really have to be so childish over a girl? I told you, I don't give my magic to just anyone."

"I could kill you so easily."

"I'm an immortal being with enough magic to help you if I wanted to. Killing me isn't going to give me fear since I have what you want, so you don't intend to end my life. Killing me is impossible if you tried." Damien mutters something under his breath. I try to summon my Choice Flames. It failed. For the first time ever, I failed to summon my Choice Flames. I check to make sure that I even had magic. Fail. I try to teleport out of the chair. Not even that worked. I did everything that I could do with magic, nothing worked.

"Why is it not working?" I ask myself.

"What's not working?"

"My magic."

"You mean to tell me that I bring you here, alive, and your magic doesn't work?!"

"Look, my magic is a part of me, and I want it just as much as you do."

"Then do something about it!"

"I can't!" What's going on with me? "Believe me, if I could do something, I'd have done it by now!"

"...You may as well be dead."

"...I know." I whisper, "I know."

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