Chapter 51

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Gaster's POV:

I've been so stressed ever since (N/m) went missing. Why did this have to happen? Why was it only with our house? I just wanted everything to be normal again. No kidnappings. Just me and (N/m) hanging out together like before the trio and before the God of Chaos. There were no problems back then. Why does this have to happen to my family and I?

Papyrus walks into my room. "Still stressed?" I sigh.

"How do you cope with all of this, Papyrus? How do you manage to have a genuine smile on your skull everyday?" He hugs me.

"...Well, I know everything will get better. We just have to keep waiting for it and to do whatever we can to improve the situation for the better." He smiles at me. I smile back.

"Thank you. I needed that."

"You're welcome." He leaves my room. His words echo in my mind. (N/m) wouldn't want me to be like this wherever she is. She wanted to find clues about who took Frisk, Chara and Asriel. The minute  she started was the minute she got kidnapped. What if I do the same? That way I either find clues, or I find her entirely.

I walk out of the house and into the neighborhood with a new objective in my mind. At least things are starting to look up for me. I had to think about where I could search. I also had to be cautious about what I do. (N/m) did get kidnapped, but why didn't I receive the same consequence? Did she have information that I don't have? Did the people who took her want only her and the others? I'm so confused.

I continue to walk around the neighborhood. I can't recall how far I walked, but probably far enough to head back to the house without being suspicious. One thing I did notice is that I constantly felt watched ever since I left home. Who was watching me? Why were they watching me? Am I going to be taken as well? I'm probably becoming paranoid because of all the stress that I have. Yeah, that's most likely what's happening to me. I have absolutely no clue of what's going on. I just need to calm down, relax and get some answers to everything that's going on. "How the heck am I going to do this?" I ask myself.

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