Chapter 18

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(N/m)'s POV:

I had just finished telling Gaster what happened when I was stabilizing the magic spark. It was a lot for him to write down. I worry a little, okay, when I say little, I mean a lot. I worry a lot for Gaster. I just don't show it. A knock came to my door, releasing me from my thoughts. I open the door, and Sans stands there. "Hey, Sans. What am I needed for this time?" Sans was the messenger between Gaster and I for about 3 hours now.

"No, nothing like that. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to Grillby's for dinner." It was around 5:30pm.

"Sure! Are we going like right now or something?"

"Yeah, right now. I can give you a few minutes if you'd like. I can wait. It's no big deal."

"Yeah, just give me 2 minutes while I re-brush my hair." Sans nods and closes the door. I grab my brush and start brushing my (h/c or f/c) hair. (I won't judge)

When I'm finished, I put my brush down and open the door again. Sans is leaning on the wall. "I'm ready, let's go," I say. Sans teleports us both to the entrance of Grillby's. We walk in and take a seat at the bar right in front of the bartender, who's a fire elemental.

"Hey, Grillbs. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, (N/m)."

"Hi," I say.

"Hello, (N/m)," Grillby says. He looked pretty hot and would've set my heart on fire if I wasn't into Gaster. I don't know really. If I hadn't met Gaster before I met Grillby, would I have liked Grillby in a romantic way? The possibilities are endless with the infinite timelines and alternate universes. (No, I am not making a story on that.) Sans and I order a burger each, Sans grabs a bottle of ketchup and swigs it down like it's alcohol. "What are you doing?" I ask Sans.

"Drinking, what else?" Grillby gives us our food.

"You-what-how?" I ask while stumbling over my words in disbelief.

"Ketchup made by Grillby is like alcohol for you."

"That answers some questions." The door opens and the lively restaurant/bar goes silent. "Ugh, how can a place like this exist?!" a snotty, female-sounding voice resonates throughout the room. I turn around and a blonde, tall woman is staring in disgust at the place like it's a filthy pigsty. "If you don't like it here, ma'am, you can leave," Grillby suggests.

"No, I won't leave. I won't leave until this place is shut down!"

"Oh no, it's Helen," Sans murmurs.

"Who's Helen?" I whisper.

"That ***** right there who hates monster-kind." She looked like a mess. I stand up.

"Ma'am, if you think this place is hell, you can leave, and say that you've been through Helen back," I pun. Sans and Grillby laugh aloud.

"Good one, (N/m)," Sans replies. The mood would've improved if Helen didn't suppress it by being there.

"Helen, are you still going to leave?"

"Oh, did smiley trashbag tell you all about me? Why are you even friends with him?" I walked up to Helen and slapped her.

"How dare you talk about my friend like that!" Everyone in the room was surprised. She had pissed me off. "I may not know all of these people and monsters, but nobody is racist towards anyone! Now, you might want to turn around and get out of this establishment!" Helen was surprised beyond belief, but she left while saying, "Fine! I'm leaving!" She slammed the door behind her. I sigh.

"That was not how I wanted the situation to end." Everyone claps and cheers for me. I was happy, but confused. I return to my seat and ask Grillby and Sans, "Why is everyone cheering for me?"

"You just scared off Helen without even trying. She's as stubborn as a mule," Grillby exclaims.

"How hard is it for someone to make her run off?"

"Really low," Sans replies. "I swear, if she called me lazy, I would've shown her my degree in science to show her that I do have a job. She's always done that." (Sans is a teacher of some major science profession. I forgot which type.)

"Anyway, we came here to eat. So, let's dig in before our food gets cold." After Sans and I finish our food, Sans pays, we say goodbye to Grillby, and we leave. Sans after getting inside, immediately tells Gaster and Toriel of what happened. I just go to my room and relax. It's been one heck of a day.

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