Chapter 56

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I thought I had already updated my Wattpad. It's a good thing I checked, and I blame life for my inability to update my Wattpad. I now have to get back on schedule. Hopefully, I'll have a new chapter up sooner. -MoonReader109 signing out

(N/m)'s POV:

Trying to outrun Damien really felt like something from a horror movie despite it being the afternoon. If he caught us, who knows what would happen. I don't think he'd let us out of his sight again if we failed to escape.

We continued running for about 15 minutes. Frisk, Chara and Asriel were already tired despite their running games with Undyne; however, they had been locked up in a room prior and continued to my arrival in Damien's lair. Fortunately for myself, I used my "bubbling" ability to carry them and my speed magic, both of which I had regained subsequently to our escape. Somehow, I knew we were getting closer to Gaster and the others. Was more of my magic returning to me? Is the Gaster the link to it all?

I was practically going so fast that everything around me seemed to be a blur of color. The noise of the city had the same effect. My only goal was to get away from Damien.

Finally, we reached the neighborhood where our house stood. Who else did I spot in front of me as I ran? Gaster. I mustered up a bit of whatever magic I had and fired it directly in front of his skull. He caught sight of me and used his own powers to pull me with Chara, Asriel and Frisk towards him. I landed on my feet when he stopped. Using my abilities, I trapped Damien with the classic blue bones like the skeleton trio have. I turned to Gaster. "You have... no idea... what we... went through... to get here," I panted. The only thing Gaster did was kiss me. I was too shocked to react at first, but when I regained my senses, I kissed him back.

His mouth was pleasantly warm like he had lips in the first place. Here I thought they would be cold and bony.

Numerous colors were in the corner of my right eye in front of the house. The next thing I knew, I was being barraged with questions from everybody else.

Is this the end for the story? No, not yet. (Edited at a later date: You know what? I'm done with this story and with Wattpad. I hardly go on anymore, and when I do have time, I'm not on Wattpad. To all my loyal followers, you may unsubscribe if you wish. It does not affect me in the long run. I will not be online, nor will I delete anything. If I am on Wattpad for whatever reason, it will be a miracle. So, farewell to everyone reading this and farewell to Wattpad. May everyone read stories that are the best quality that they can possibly be in. XD I am serious about leaving Wattpad, though. Farewell!!!)

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