Chapter 52

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(N/m)'s POV:

It has been a week or two since I was captured. Damien wanted to know everything about Chara since he couldn't take my, somehow lost, magic and immediately know every single thing about her. He is in fact in love with her. Damien and Chara have not officially met, and he wanted my magic to impress her. If anything when he talks about her to me, he seems like a chicken running around with its head cut off.

Over time, Damien has come to trust me. He lets me roam around his "lair." Instead of a lair, it was more like prison with benefits and no windows. I can do anything I want within reason, but the only thing I can't do is go visit Frisk, Chara or Asriel. They don't know I'm here and if they did know, it would seem like I would be rescuing them. I didn't know how to get out just yet. I would have to keep earning Damien's full trust as well as figuring out what's going on with my magic.

The following day, I asked Damien, "I know I've been here for about two weeks, and I can't leave, but can I at least call their family to say that we all are okay? I'll be standing right here."

"I'll have to hack into whoever's phone so we can't be traced."

"Okay, let's do it." A couple of hours later, I was able to contact Gaster with Damien's phone. I would talk with Toriel, but I have a feeling the first thing she would do is hand some sort of information to the police. Damien and I wouldn't need that. I call Gaster and hoped that he picked up.

"Hello? This is Dr. Gaster speaking."

"Gaster? Thank goodness-"

"(N/m)?! Where are you? Are you okay? Did you find Frisk, Asriel and Chara?"

"I can't tell you where I am, and even if I did know where I was, it would ruin everything. I found them, and we're all okay. Don't worry. By the way, once I hang up, you will never be able to contact this number again. Tell the others what I told you and that I love you all." I hang up before Gaster can do anything else. I handed Damien's phone back to him. Inside, I was about ready to cry, but then I realized something. I just told Gaster that I love him. Now, I was a blushing mess.

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