Chapter 16

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(N/m)'s POV:

I was at Yogtowers just chatting away with Hannah, and Kim. "So," Kim starts talking. "Anyone need anything?"

"Not really," Hannah states.

"I'm fine, Kim," I reply.

"Then other than eating my lunch, I've got nothing to do."

"Oh, I wanted to ask. How's everything with Duncan going?" (#DuncanxKim I ship them)

"Yeah, how is that working out?"

"Everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, nothing. It's not like a set up a date between you two."

"What?!" Kim exclaims. "Hannah!"

"(N/m), what do you think about this?" Kim and Hannah ask simultaneously. Side with Kim/Side with Hannah

-If you side with Kim, continue here-

"I'm siding with Kim on this one, Hannah. That was really uncalled for. You need to call off the date even if Duncan agreed to go on it."

"Umm...that's a problem," Hannah says.

"Hannah, what happened?"

"Well, Lewis knows about this because I kind of told him and he promised that the date will be unfulfilled." I sigh.

-If you side with Hannah, continue here-

"I'm siding with Hannah on this one, Kim. Think of it this way, it's already planned and you get a date with Duncan. It's just you two whichever way it works out."


"Shh, you + Duncan + being alone together for whatever = a date."

Story continues

"So, I go on a date, anyway?" asks Kim.

"Yeah, pretty much," I reply.

"Yay! Duncan and Kim get together!" exclaims Hannah somehow quietly.

"Hannah, that a bit early. Don't you think?" I laugh. "Anyway, I think I better get going. I have to go upload another video and probably a status update." I had eaten my lunch, so I could go.

"Alright, see you around, (N/m)."

"Bye!" I leave the both of them to their business. Duncan and Kim are now going on a date. This can either go horribly wrong or fortunately right. I hope they get together. They would make a really cute couple.

I walk back home past where the meteor landed. Somebody still hadn't moved it yet. If they couldn't move it, then that would be a problem. At least I don't have to pay bills at the moment. "Yeah, paying bills. That's a pain in the butt," I say to myself sarcastically and sigh. "Yeah.... I need something to do." I walk to the meteor and brushed my left hand against it. Nostalgia appears and I sigh. I begin to sing a song that I came up with on my own.

My home was taken from me

My past is disguised

Everyday that's shifting

I can't conceal lies

No matter what I do

I can't go and hide

Because my paradise

My paradise goes undisguised

Days passing and forgotten

Like nothing ever before

Though limits I have broken

I never took a score

The skies I look up to

They deceive my eyes

Even though it's sky-blue

There's a fire in my goodbyes

Even in the nighttime

With friends all around

Doubt creeps in my head

Without any sound

Because no matter what I do

I can't go and hide

Because my paradise

My paradise goes undisguised

Undisguised like the sun

Magic and power build my home

Although nobody sees it

I go where I go

Chances I'm given

Chances I take

Although everything has a reason

I make so many mistakes

My home was taken from me

My past is disguised

Everyday that's shifting

I can't conceal lies

No matter what I do

I can't go and hide

Because my paradise

My paradise goes undisguised.

I start hearing clapping behind me. I get startled and turn around. Frisk is the one who's clapping. "That's a beautiful song. What's it called?" she asks.

"Oh, it's not really called anything. I just made it up."

"Really? You should sing in front of the others."

"What?! I don't know. I might mess up or something."

"I think you'll be fine."

"I hope so."

"Was this your house?"

"Yeah. As you can see, it got crashed by the meteor."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's okay, Frisk. You didn't cause the meteor to drop onto my house. It's not your fault. Come on, let's go inside and play some videogames."


Okay, so I've been coming up with a lot more story ideas recently. I'm currently making a chocolate kingdom story mixed with Undertale and a Smash Bros. Academy story with 6 OC's. Should I add them to my work-list or not? Message me if I should or not. -MoonReader109 signing out

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