Chapter 48

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For the next two weeks, the chapters planned for those weeks might not be uploaded on time. I'm traveling so it all depends whether I have internet and time to upload chapters.

Gaster's POV:

(N/m) had been thinking a bit too much over where Frisk, Chara, and Asriel could be and now, she has a headache. "I told you to calm down and relax," I told her. She sat down on her bed next to me.

"But I want to help with the search."

"We all know you do, (N/m), but there isn't anything you can do. Besides, we don't have any clues." She stands up again.

"Then I'll go search for some." She begins to rush off.

"(N/m), wait!" I start to go after her. She rushes out of the house, and I struggle to follow after her. She was determined to do something, and I can't stop her if I tried. I tried to get to her anyway. "(N/m), wait up!"

(N/m)'s POV:

I could hear Gaster trying to get me to slow down. I wouldn't. I needed to find a clue to do something and keep my mind off of the prophecy. Soon, I had gotten Gaster off of my trail. I didn't want to have him in the way if anything happened. He wasn't a liability. I just wanted him safe. The stars twinkled in the night sky. Unfortunately as I slowed down, something was shot into my neck. It wasn't a bullet, but definitely something small and hidden. Falling to my knees, I found it and pulled it out. It was a syringe with a small amount of liquid in it. I had no idea what it could possibly be. I fell to the ground and my vision faded to black.

Thankfully, I could still hear what was going on near me. Someone picked me up and said, "Well, that was close. Stupid girl nearly ran into me. Do we take her to the hideout with the other captives?" The person carrying me was a male. There was a second person, but I couldn't hear them. They weren't close enough. A third female person says, "Who knows what would've happened if she actually managed to get a clue of us."

"We'd be in a lot of trouble, that's for sure," my carrier says. "Let's go. I hear someone coming."

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