Chapter 47

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(N/m)'s POV:

There's nothing to do, and I'm bored out of my mind again. I'm half-tempted to sleep the day away, but I'm too lazy. That's when I got a call. The caller was none other than the Goddess of Prophecies. I answer the call. "Hello," I say. Every time a god or goddess calls someone using magic, it's like Skype when you have your camera on. It's dark from Prophecies' side, so I can't see her.

"Good day or night, Choices, whatever time it is in the universe you're in."

"It's day, and good day to you too, Prophecy. Why is it dark on your side?"

"I prefer to have it dark when I call someone. Anyway, I did not call just to call you. I called because I have just received a prophecy that looms over your head. It's a dark one. You really need to hear it." I had to know what it is.

"Lay it on me." Her prophecies are always useful, good or bad.

"Taken, given, lost, and found. Four sides meet in ways unbound. An old path makes one anew. Six times two makes twenty-two. (I know 6x2=12, this is a prophecy that I made up, not a math class) Push and pull, you will not prevail. When the light arises, the dark will unveil. From far, you run from dusks til dawns. Something from you will twist and spawn." Wow, I had no idea what that all meant, but then again, it was a prophecy. I wasn't supposed to know what it means until it happens.

"That is one heck of a prophecy."

"It is, and Choices, please, whatever you do, be cautious."

"I will. Thank you, and goodbye." I end the call. That was a bit much. I had to tell Sans what just happened, or Grillby. He's a good listener. I checked around the house, and Sans wasn't here. He was probably at Grillby's. I go there, and sit on the barstool next to Sans. "Hey, Sans and Grillby," I say.

"Hello," replies Sans. Grillby just nods. "Whatcha doing here?"

"Just came over to tell you something, or Grillby if you weren't around."

"The trio?"

"Fortunately, no. Something bigger and far more important."

"Well, what is it?"

"A dark prophecy about me." They were both surprised and intrigued.

"Go on."

"The prophecy says, 'Taken, given, lost, and found. Four sides meet in ways unbound. An old path makes one anew. Six times two makes twenty-two. Push and pull, you will not prevail. When the light arises, the dark will unveil. From far, you run from dusks til dawns. Something from you will twist and spawn.' That's all it says."

"You told the right people." I smirk.

"I know I did."

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