Chapter 25

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Gaster's POV:

We had to walk through the entire Underground as Frisk explains what they think has happened. "And so because of some powerful magic, I had to redo my journey again, but because you guys remembered what happened and (N/m)'s here, then it went a lot quicker."

"That could be plausible, but why did (N/m) come along? Everything else makes sense," I reply.

"Maybe (N/m)'s or something related to (N/m) is involved in this?"

"If that were so, why was she in the void with me? Wouldn't she be on the surface? And why were we only affected and not any other monsters?"

"Maybe whoever did this didn't need the other monsters," (N/m) pipes up. She had been silent the whole time, then again, she did run off to explore the rest of the Underground back in Waterfall. We had just reached the cliff-side to see, yet again, another sunset (or sunrise).

-one time skip later-

We had just reached the city, and everything was catastrophic. Numerous buildings caught fire, humans and monsters alike screaming everywhere, all-the-while, running from something. The sky was red and meteors were crashing down, but they were burning up thanks to the atmosphere.

"Oh no," (N/m) says just above the screams. "No, no, no, no, no! Not like this!"

"(N/m), what are you talking about?! We need to get out of here!" I try to persuade. She turns to myself and the others.

"I'm going to see if anyone needs help!" I swear determination flashed in her eyes. She runs off into the crowd. I run after her.

Eventually, we find a group of people trapped between rubble. (N/m) calms them down as much as she can, and I lift up the rubble. The group thanked us and ran. "Why didn't you use your magic?" I ask.

"It would be better if anyone didn't know. It's why I hid my magic in the first place. Let's go see if anyone else needs help."

Multiple screams filled the air, but these screams seemed familiar. We turn a corner in the direction of them, and see our family (the other monsters) in a giant bubble held by a giant shadowed figure. I looked at (N/m). Her face said everything. The fear, worry, concern, and most of all, determination. "(N/m), who is this? Do you know?" I ask.

"...Yes, he's the God of Chaos. He done things far worse than you can imagine, and I don't say that lightly."

"How do you know him?"

"Not important," she quickly snaps.

"Are you done with your conversation?" the god asks.

"Gaster, get out of here!"

"What, no?!"

"Get out of here!" Something was emanating from her, and it wasn't determination. I get pulled away from (N/m) and into the bubble.

"Gaster, what's going on?" everyone inside the bubble asks.

"I don't know." A flash of light appears and disperses. (N/m) has changed appearance. She wears a half-black, half-white long dress and her hair has the same design. (Basically, one side is black, the other white) She has two small flames spinning around her shoulders. One is black, the other white. She has an angel wing, and a black demon-like wing. When she opens her eyes, one is pure black, the other one pure white.

While everyone, including myself, is gawking at (N/m)'s transformation, the God of Chaos says, "Another rematch it is... Goddess of Choices."

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