Chapter 13

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(N/m)'s POV:

I climb out of the hole that I was in with the artifact in hand. The others were still inside their house. I was enthusiastic that something from my home wasn't gone, but I was still devastated that my house was practically no longer existent. Once more, I sigh. I hide the magical artifact up my sleeve. I had nowhere else to hide it. 

I walk back inside to find everybody staring at me. That didn't help my mix of moods at all. I set the artifact on the dresser in the hallway. It was getting heavy anyway. Gaster shows me where my room is and leaves me be. I quickly look around the newly claimed room and go to retrieve my artifact. A thump is heard coming from downstairs.

The next thing I hear is Toriel's yell. I rush downstairs to see what the commotion is about. Asriel is lying on the floor with my artifact in hand. Everybody in the household, except you, is surrounding him.

Adrenaline starts rushing, I backflip down the stairs, slip through to Asriel, and use magic to enter his mind. (I made the reader be a parkour pro.)

As expected, there are rooms with open doors ahead. There are obstacles blocking my way, but my agility can handle it. I "hardcore parkour" my way through to Asriel. He's in the tenth room when I get to him. He was almost about to miss a jump until I grab him and get him in the doorway between the tenth and eleventh room. "Asriel," I wheeze. "One, how agile are you? Two, why did touch my stuff?!" I was livid was the goat-child.

"Th-that was yours?! I-I'm sorry," he stutters. I was almost sorry for him. Then again, it wasn't the best decision to leave a dangerous artifact out in the open like that. We were both at fault.

"Next time, when you see something you don't know, don't touch it." I teleport us back into reality. The magic, (f/c) flames begin dying down. "Asriel, my child. Are you okay, what happened, and, (N/m), what was all that magic about? Humans don't have magic, don't they?" Toriel asks. Asriel hands me back my artifact.

"Asriel and I both did a stupid thing. He's alright, but what I presume happened was that was that Asriel touched this."

"Well, give it to me so I can put it in a safer place." I jerk it away from her.

"No! You saw what happened to Asriel! I'm not having your life at risk as well!"

Gaster's POV:

"What do mean?" I ask. (N/m) sighs.

"If you lay a hand upon the artifact of agilic precision, beware the tombs of agility. Counted of 95 tombs total, you will begin your test. If you succeed all 95 tombs, you will be rewarded with a memory beyond comprehension, if not, your life will be taken as a price for desecrating the sacred jewel. Eleven beings have tried. One was saved, two have succeeded, and eight have failed. It is a blessing, but a curse."

"So, who were the two people who succeeded?"

"The God of Agility and...myself." (N/m) casts her eyes downward.

"How can you touch the jewel, but not us?" Asriel asks.

"I have a protection spell for myself to prevent going back there."

"What was all that magic from earlier?" Toriel asks. "Are human souls capable of using magic now?"

"No, no. I never said I was human, but neither am I one of monster-kind." (Plot twist.) (N/m) teleports away.

"(N/m) can teleport?" I ask.

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