Chapter 23

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(N/m)'s POV:

After the night after Gaster and I went out to the park, things have been awkward for me to say anything to him. I don't know why, but normally, I would be as I always would be...myself. I don't have any clue as to why this was happening to only me as well.

Frisk interrupts my thoughts by almost jumping on me on the couch. "(N/m), (N/m), (N/m)! Guess what?!"

"Frisk, you nearly gave me a heart attack! What's up?"

"Sans asked me out on a date," she whispers in my ear. My jaw drops.

"And here I thought Sans was never going to pull it off," I mutter.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! I hope you two have a good time. When is it anyway?" Maybe if she tells me where, I could watch with everyone else.

"I don't know, but Sans has it all planned out." Of course he would and darn it. Off to go congratulate Sans for not being lazy. I spot Sans in his room.

"Hey, Sans! Frisk told me that-"

"Hello, (N/m)!" Papyrus says, quietly for once.

"Hey, Paps," says Sans and I.

"Frisk told me what happened recently!" Sans blushes. I giggle.

"Yeah, she told me what happened too."

"For once, you have not been lazy, brother, and I am proud of you!" Sans is a little too embarrassed to say anything.

"Yeah, that's all I wanted to say. I'll be elsewhere." I'll be sure to get some raisins before they leave on their date. (Get it?)

I leave the skeleton brothers alone and go back to the couch. Frisk, I think, has pretty much told everyone about Sans. Now, its his turn to be embarrassed about the whole thing. I wonder how Asriel and Chara were taking this.

Just a couple seconds after I sit down again, Asriel gets my attention. "(N/m), did you know about Frisk and-"

"-and the date thing with Sans and how he asked her out. Yeah, she told me. I think everyone in this house knows by now."

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe Chara's reaction at the news."

"How's she taking it?"

"Fairly well for flipping out." I laugh.

"Remind me later because I know I'm going to forget. Remind me to get a box of raisins." I get up and go to my room.

Just about to head up the stairs, Asriel asks, "What would you need a box of raisins for?" I turn around, look at him, and start giggling with my biggest grin on my face.

"You'll see Asriel. You'll see."

Sorry this took so long. Traveling got me distracted. I won't be traveling for anytime soon, so yeah. (I hope I don't go off schedule again.) -MoonReader109

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