Chapter 39

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(N/m)'s POV:

I kept a close eye on the trio. If I had time, I would have put magical trackers on all of the people that were with the trio, but Gaster and I were in a rush, and I wasn't about to start thinking logical about the situation. Thankfully since Gaster was there, I kept as much of a cool head as possible. It was not an ICE situation. I had to admit, the trio was basically giving me a single-handed war with a disadvantage at almost every turn, despite my best efforts.

I tried avoiding them as much as possible. It wasn't easy because there was nothing holding them back from trying to find me. Stress, stress, and more stress was piling on top of me. Even with what everyone was doing to try and help, I was alone. This fight was between the trio and I only.

Unfortunately, it got the others hurt. I was deciding of holding a little base of operations just for myself. If I did go with that plan, I would have to have it at my old house where the meteor finally got removed. I know, it's a long time, but that thing was huge! My old home still had to be rebuilt. Although, that got me thinking. Because the meteor crashed on my house and I never sold it, is it still my property? It probably was, and I just never had to do anything because it was destroyed.

Going back to the trio, I tried anticipating what they were going to do next. Presumably get more people, and catch me off guard so they can really harm me. They made a fight into a war. I was in a war before, only once, but that was a long time ago.

I shuddered at the amount of death I remembered. The war was way back before I even came to this universe. This universe wasn't even in existence yet, and I was fairly new to protecting universes. The ones that I started with were fairly stable ones, but with more experience came more instability. Most of the universes that I protect nowadays are really stable, and they only had a major problem before.

I chuckle to myself. Life for me now is so easy from life back then. My magic hadn't finished growing, and I was still in training. I knew I was powerful, but I wouldn't have expected the amount of magic I have today.

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