Chapter 12

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Gaster's POV:

It had been 7 weeks since (N/m) met everybody from the Underground. Everybody saw how nice of a day it had been since this morning, so we planned for a picnic. We held it in the park. Soon after lunch had been unpacked, we had been laughing about times we had. (N/m) had been making pun after pun since we arrived. "If Sans was the maker of sandwiches, that would make him the SANSwitch of SANSwiches," she laughs wholeheartedly.

Toriel laughing her horns off, pulls a pun of her own. "(N/m), I hope the sandwiches don't turn me into a toad. That would be very BAAAAAAD if you ask me." They both continue laughing their hearts out.

"I swear, you two might turn into eggs sooner or later because you're CRACKING yourselves up," I say in response.

"That pun was EGGcelent, Gaster," Sans joins in.

"Am I glad I know you guys because I got a DOZEN of puns," (N/m) replies.

"Okay, okay. I think that's enough puns you four," Asriel ushers.

"Are you kidding me, Asriel? Don't tell me you're GREEN WITH ENVY that you can't make puns." He had been wearing his favorite green and yellow sweater. It had been a bit chilly outside. "Not to brag or anything, but with each passing day, I get more and more PUNNY."

Asriel facepalms. (N/m) has finally quieted a little after her giant laughing session. "Holy butterscotch-cinnamon pie. That was hilarious."

"I make holy pies?" Toriel asks.

"Not really, but everybody here probably agrees that they could be."

"If Toriel's pies turned holy, then they'd be absolutely DIVINE!" Asgore chimes in.

"ICE one, Asgore!" (N/m) says as they hold their glass of water with ice in it. Normally, that would be the only event in the day, but nature had other plans. A meteor came crashing through the Earth's atmosphere with a tremendous amount of noise and bright light. Shortly after, it had crashed onto the Earth. We immediately started to pack up and go back to the house.

On our way there, we saw where the meteor had crash landed. (N/m)'s house was replaced with a meteor. Everyone knew where where (N/m) lived. We all consoled her and offered her to live at our home.

(N/m)'s POV:

"I...I need to be take all this in," I say. The others leave so I can absorb this new information. My house is now gone, I kept wondering over and over. I walk over to my house, smushed by the meteor. Tears are streaming down my face. "Stupid piece of rock. Of all the places on Earth, why my house?" I ask in a very bitter tone. Everything was smashed to pieces. Wait, maybe there is one thing that didn't get smashed!

There's a little space between the ground and the meteor. I just barely squeeze in.  I spy what I can, and truth be told, there is one single thing that didn't get smashed to smithereens. It was a magical artifact that I had guarded for years. It was a ruby in a gold casing that allowed the user to obtain a great memory - if they survived the almost impossible 97 mental trials. It was locked tight with a protection spell.

Fortunately, I also have a magical barrier surrounding the artifact so I don't get affected. I only casted it on myself because I was the only person who I could get  blood from without being suspicious. I hope nobody touches this. They could die if I don't save them in time.

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