Chapter 27

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(N/m)'s POV:

We arrived back at the house. After a nap, Sans enters my room along with the others. "Okay, (N/m), you need to explain a lot of things," Sans says. I nod. Of course they would have questions.

"What's it like being a goddess? How much power do you have? Why do you have magic? Who are your parents? Are you a minor or major goddess? Where do you come from? How many-" Asriel blurts out very quickly.

"Asriel, slow down, please," I say. "One question at a time." He's such a precious cinnamon roll like Papyrus.

"What's it like being a goddess?"

"It goes back and forth between very annoying and very good because there's a lot of complications. For starters, there's worlds and timelines all gods and goddesses have to protect when they go unstable because there's a problem that could potentially destroy the world or timeline."

"How much power do you have?"

"What type of power? Power in general, magic, or physical strength?"


"I don't know the limits. I might not have any."

"Why do you have magic?"

"Because the Goddess of Creation made magic, the God of Magic appeared because of magic, and then the magic spread throughout all gods and goddesses."

"Who are your parents?"

"The Goddess of Creation is my mother, the God of Magic is my father, the God of Destruction is my uncle, and I am the first goddess to be in existence without using magic."

"Are you a minor or major goddess?"

"...There is no 'major' title. There's minor and general. I am a general one."

"What is a general god or goddess?" Gaster asks.

"Basically, they are ones that people tend to think of. The minor ones... not so much. They're kind of like a sub-category."

"Where do you come from?" Asriel asking questions away again.

"The Realm of Light. We have a Realm of Shadow, but..." I shiver. "You don't want to go there."

"How many gods and goddesses are there?"

"I think a little over 500, counting the minor ones. There's too many to keep track of. I don't know how Mom does it."

"What does your mom do?"

"She runs the Realm of Light. Think of a peaceful kingdom. There are no rulers, more like bosses that run a company. There's peace, aside from the occasional arguments once in a while. Each god and goddess has a job to represent what they are they god or goddess of and to protect their worlds from any instabilities that could go wrong. It's like that, but really confusing, complicated, and difficult to explain. I'm done for questions today."

"Want to go to Grillby's?" Sans asks.

"Heck yes! You can teleport, I'll walk there. I know the way."

"Alright." Sans teleports to Grillby's, and I teleport outside the house.

When I see Grillby's, I also see Helen and two other women walk into Grillby's.

"Oh no," I say.

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