Chapter 36

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-facepalm- I always have to be late with my stuff, don't I? I knew I should have written a sticky note and attached it to my computer!

(N/m)'s POV:

It's been a couple of days after I started questioning Toriel as to why she was in a good mood. It really was that she just woke up in a good mood. My determination told me otherwise. I still had to ask Chara something. "Chara? Can I ask you something?"


"Okay, so do you have a crush?" She looks at me with a straight face.


"Do you know if you have a secret admirer or not?"


"Okay. That's it." She shrugs and leaves.

"Getting a little protective, (N/m)?" Sans asks because he was in the room.

"No, it's just that I've noticed someone watching Chara from afar. I don't know who it is, but it's definitely not Helen, Linda, or Gloria," I finish quickly because Sans' eye is glowing. It stops glowing after I finish my sentence. "And besides, it's not like you wouldn't do the same for Frisk." He blushes and looks away. I think everybody in this household, except for Frisk, knows he has a crush on her.

I begin investigating who might be watching Chara and whether they stalk her from the house. Soon, I find markings on the ground that look like tracks, but I know they aren't. No animals come into this neighborhood, and they're not many household dogs or cats here.

The markings on the ground look like slash marks. I do not fight with a sword outside of the house, nor in the house for that matter. My swords are magic. They wouldn't harm the ground anyway. Chara comes outside. "(N/m), what are you doing?" she asks.

"I think someone's been watching you from afar. If so, I want to know where, when, and who they are."

"Well, I don't fight people at school, not anymore. People used to pick on me, but they stopped when they found out that I knew Frisk who is the Monster Ambassador."

"Have people gotten jealous and started hating you even more than they already did?"

"Yes, people were jealous, but I didn't notice any hate afterwards." I hear the whooshing of wings and look up. A single bat flies away. There's no caves nearby, so I'll have to think on why there's a bat. Chara and I go back inside. I go upstairs and chill. Gaster walks in and asks me something.

"Yeah, Gaster? What is it?"

"Do you... want to go on a date tomorrow afternoon with me?" I blush a little.

"Yes. Definitely."

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