Chapter 2

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My readers, just so you know, I personally have never been to the UK before, so anything in parenthesis are my own words. -MoonReader109 signing out

Reader's POV:

Thankfully, I don't have a schedule for work. Unlike most people here in the UK, I am a Youtuber. Most people aren't that, simply because they find it useless and wasteful to their lives. Me? Not one bit. I mean, seriously, where do you think videos on Youtube come from? Us Youtubers, of course. 

Recently, I've been hearing rumors on my channel that I'm going to be added as one of the Yogscast. Nobody has contacted me as of late. So, I can't be sure. My phone starts to ring in my pocket. I get it out. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this (n/m) (l/n)?" a male voice asks.

"Yes, this is (n/m) (l/m). Who are you if I may ask?"

"Well, my name is Lewis Brindley (this is a real name), and I am part of the Yogscast." What? The rumors are true?

"I'm sorry, but did you just say that you're part of the Yogscast, and your name is Lewis Brindley?" He laughs on the other side.

"You didn't make a mistake, (n/m)."

"So, the rumors were true?"

"What rumors?"

"Well, a lot of my channel's subscribers are saying that someone from the Yogscast was going to contact me. Me being realistic, I dismissed this as nothing more than a joke I was going to fall for. And with you here, it's no longer a joke, but reality... and a lot of luck."

"I can assure you this isn't a joke."

"Obviously, someone from the Yogscast just doesn't prank call random people. Anyway, is there a reason you called me?" I hear another voice from the call. I can't tell if it's male or female.

"(N/m), please excuse me for a few minutes." Lewis must have taken the phone away from himself, because I then hear Lewis and the other person talking to each other.

When Lewis comes back, he apologizes, "Sorry, I've told my subordinate time and time again to not interrupt me when I'm on the phone." The same voice I couldn't understand earlier yells into the phone, and practically Lewis' ear, "Hello (n/m)!" Immediately, I take my phone away from my ear.

"Uhh...hi?" I ask.

"Duncan, shut up! I'm on the phone!" Lewis yells, although slightly muffled. Wait, is that the same slightly annoying Duncan Jones from 3 years ago who hasn't talked to me since? I'll just ask Lewis. "My subordinate can be very annoying." Lewis continues talking to me.

"By subordinate, do you mean Duncan Jones?" I ask.

"You know him?"

"I don't know what happened, but he hasn't talked to me in 3 years." Lewis sighs.

"Before Duncan rudely interrupted, I would like to ask you when you have some free time to meet up." I quickly remember that I have nothing to do tomorrow.

"What about tomorrow? I have nothing to do that day."

"Sure, how about we meet up at the Starbucks near the Mexican resturant at 2pm?" (I can't think of a Mexican resturant name)

"Sure, tell Duncan I said hi." We both hang up the phone.

"Well, it seems I have nothing to do until 2pm tomorrow." I was standing the entire time, so I sit down and relax.

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