Chapter 41

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(N/m)'s POV:
Hey, what do you know, Lewis called me! He said that he wanted Simon, me, and himself to meet up and talk with how we've been. I asked him why with Simon because he could just do that at the office. He said that they were both really busy with the usual stuff. We arranged a time to meet up and where. Thankfully, it wasn't at a Starbucks. I was getting a little bored of it. We were going to be meeting at the park. I couldn't have been more fine with it.

I arrived at the park and as I walked in, I spotted Lewis and Simon sitting on a bench chatting away to each other. "Hey guys! It's good to see you," I exclaim.

"Good to see you to, (N/m)," Lewis replies. Simon laughs and we hug. I sit down next to Simon.

"Been a while huh?" Simon asks.

"Yeah, it has. It's been what... a couple months since we've spoken face to face?"

"Yeah, how's your channel going?"

"Going strong as always. Stocked full of content to upload too. Hey, is there any time when I can be in a video with you guys?"

"Sure! You can be in our newest game series."

"Awesome! I can't wait."

"How's the thing with the magic sparks going?"

"They have decreased a lot since I got them to go away. It's not completely done, but it's going at a steady rate where it'll be done in a year or two." We talked for about an hour. Then Helen spotted me, walked over to ruin my good friendly time, and started bugging me.

"And here I thought I wouldn't find you today."

"And here I thought I wouldn't find you today," I mocked while not trying to attempt Helen's voice and purposely failing. "Go away, Helen. You interrupted our conversation."

"I thought you would be with your monster friends, or should I say, freaks."

"Stop trying to be like Planet Pluto. Oh wait, it's a fake, just like you." (I'm so very sorry to rub salt in that wound!)

"Ouch," reply Simon and Lewis.

"Oh, what are you going to do? Use your magic on me?" Lewis and Simon were both surprised, but they kept their mouths shut, which was good because I didn't want to yell at them. I was already frustrated with Helen being all up in my face.

"Or I could slap you so hard, you could go to Mars for free and possibly meet aliens. Heck, if you do find them, they probably won't save you from dying." I finally get her to leave.

I look to Lewis and Simon. Time to explain about my magic. "Yes, I have magic," that's all I say. They start bombarding me with questions about my magic and how I got it in the first place. This might take a while to explain all of it.

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