Chapter 5

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Reader's POV:

I just arrived at the Starbucks I was going to meet Lewis at. I walk in, and immediately smell cinnamon and coffee rolls. (For those who don't know, look at the pic. That's a coffee roll.) I spot Lewis and Duncan at a nearby table. Duncan spots me and waves. I wave back, but have an I-am-so-annoyed-at-you look on my face. I then mouth, "One minute. I'm going to get (favorite item that they have at Starbucks.)" Duncan can't read lips, so he doesn't understand. I roll my eyes in annoyance, get my (favorite item that they have at Starbucks, and walk over to the table Duncan and Lewis are sitting at. "Hey, (n/m)!" Duncan excitedly says.

"Hey, Duncan.... First off, why have you not contacted me in the past 3 years? Oh, hi, Lewis." Oops, I forgot Lewis was there.

"So, this is (n/m), Duncan?" Lewis asks.

"Yep!" Duncan replies. I sit next to Lewis because I was annoyed with Duncan.

"So, (n/m), the rest of the Yogscast and I have been looking for someone else to join the Yogscast. By some miracle, we seem to have your channel, as many subscribers that it has, (About 200) and we wish to give you the opportunity to allow you to join the Yogscast." I chuckle after a bit of thought.

"What's the catch in this type of deal?" I ask.

"You're smarter than you look. I'll give you that."

"Thanks. You still haven't told me the catch, yet."

"The catch is simple. We'll allow you to join the Yogscast, but you must do something for us in return."

"For the whole Yogscast team individually, or as a group? Also, what do I have to do?"

"As a whole. You've heard about the reports about magic, correct?"

"Yes, and...?"

"We want you to pledge your allegiance to us, swear to never tell the truth of who we really are, and to help us know more about this magic. Deal?" Lewis offers me his hand for a handshake. I smirk.

"Deal." I get up from the table. "And if I break the deal, you'll know what to do. I'm very good at keeping secrets, so I don't think that'll happen anytime soon." I open the door and walk out.

A few minutes later:

As I'm walking down the street, I spot Gaster. He's pacing back and forth in a house's backyard. I approach Gaster. "Hey, Gaster. What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

"Thinking," he replies.

"About what?"

"The magic in the area. Most people have heard of it by now."

"Yeah, I don't know much about it." Wow, (n/m), that's a total lie.

"Nobody knows more than us scientists."

"You're a scientist?"


"Also, is this your house? Seeing as though you're pacing back and forth in the house's backyard."

"Yes, this is my house. I live with friends and family in here as well, because it reminds us of the underground before we were set free by a human."

"Really? I live in the sky blue house, a couple houses down, and across the street."

"So, we're neighbors."

"Heh, yeah. I guess so, well, see you later! Drop by sometime if you want to visit."

"Bye, (n/m)."

"Bye!" I walk away and teleport into my house before Gaster can see me. Turns out, he would have seen me if he didn't have to turn a corner. "Phew," I say collapsing into a beanbag chair. "That was too close."

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