Chapter 46

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(N/m)'s POV:

"It started with the void. There was nothing at first, but then two beings were created by something that still isn't known to this day. Those two beings were the Goddess of Creation and the God of Destruction, my mother and uncle. Their magic grew as other gods and goddesses appeared because of my mother creating what they were the god or goddess of. Soon, the void had all these individual beings within it. It was never cramped, but despite the vast infinity of the void, there was nowhere to stay. It was all in movement."

"So, what was done?" Gaster asks.

"My mother created the Realm of Light, and to keep balance, the Realm of Shadow. The Realm Of Light is home to all immortal beings that can exist outside of the multiverse that is not evil. The Realm of Shadow is a realm of imprisonment where all things are banished to. My mother created the multiverse and universes that exist today; however, the many universes separate themselves from each other and can cause problems that we have to fix. 'We' being myself and the other gods and goddesses.

Unfortunately after many years had passed, one of the universes had a problem. If it wasn't fixed, that particular universe would be gone forever, and no other universe would be exactly like it. My mother didn't know what to do. She consulted the God of Wisdom, Strategy, Ideas, Choices, and the Goddess of History. I was a guy before. That's a different story for another day. Even those she consulted had no explanation or idea of how to fix this universe problem. Worry spread throughout the six immortals.

Fortunately, there was a moment of eureka from the God of Magic. He told the six immortals of what he thought the problem was and a way of how he could resolve it. The universe had a magical glitch and all he needed to do was correct it. There were no objections. The God of Magic did what he had to do, and the problem was solved. As a way of never having problems with universes destroying themselves, the UBCS was created. UBCS stands for Universe Balance Coding System. Shortly after, my mother noticed that she grew romantic feelings toward the God of Magic, as did he towards her. They confronted each other about their feelings and started dating. Years later, they were married and had me. That's about it."

"That's one heck of a story."

"There's more I can tell."

"Not right now."

"Alright." I laugh.

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