Chapter 8

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Gaster's POV:

As I pick up some research papers for our new project in my science station, I happen to notice that more of these little "magic sparks", that's what we -the other scientists and I- call them, are appearing in more than just popular tourist attractions. Some of them have appeared in Africa, the Americas, China, and Japan. There are some more beginning to exist in Ireland, as well. 

"We still have nothing to go by about these "magic sparks" that keep popping up around the world," I sigh. "No research can be done at this point."

"Don't give up hope, Dr. Gaster," my assistant tells me. "We'll find some answers eventually. Besides, you are a genius, after all." I chuckle a little. No matter what my assistant does, he always has a way of cheering anybody up.

"You're right. Let's go see if we can make an artificial monster soul."

"I've been so hyped for this day!"

"You're certainly eager today," I remark.

"How can I not be? It's science."

"For science?"

"For science!"

2 hours later:

"Do you have anything, Fredrick?!" I yell across all the noise of the machinery.

"Nothing! How about you?!" he yells back.

"No good! Turn off the machinery while you're at it!" It was getting too loud for my tastes, and we don't want to be wasting power in the lab. Fredrick turns off the machinery, and I take off my goggles on my face. I sigh. "This is getting us nowhere." Fredrick sighs with me.

"Unless you have any more good ideas, I don't think that we can keep on doing this."

"The "magic sparks" need to be tested on. When we try to retrieve the magic, it dissapears. We need to create something that can hold the magic without it dissapearing on us. When we try to do that, it's physically impossible. ...I think we need that magic to create an artificial monster soul."

"Artificial human soul?..."

"Dr. Alphys already tried that after making a second artificial human soul. Humans can't use magic anyway, but it was worth a try since it was artificial."

"I have no more ideas."

"Are there any other things that we can work on?"

"No, sir." Well, we just hid a dead end.

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