Chapter 6

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Gaster's POV:

I was just talking to (n/m) for a minute and they disappeared. They were gone when I turned the corner. How could this happen? "Gaster, I made some pie. Would you like a slice?" Toriel asks with her oven mitts covering her hands. The pie must have just come out of the oven. "What flavor is it this time, Toriel? Snail pie? Butterscotch cinnamon?" I ask curiously. "Usually, you would cut the pie evenly, let it sit on the counter, and let everyone take a piece. What's different this time?"

"I've decided to try something new, pumpkin pie, but the pie turned out... different than I originally thought."

"Surely, you didn't burn it? With the skill of baking that you have, I assume not."

"Oh no, no, no, no! I just didn't think the pie would be as big as it is!" I step into the house and immediately smell the pie. As big as it is? What could Toriel mean? We walk into the kitchen and everyone is crowded around the pie. I could just barely see what she meant. The pie was giant! "Toriel, how did the pie get to be like this?"

"Everyone else's thoughts exactly. I hoped that you would know."

"Toriel, I am a man of science, not of baking."

"Maybe you can use science to figure out the problem?" She has a point there. I can figure out why the pie is this huge. I mean, it's not that hard, but the pie is unusually giant. The sides are leaking, quote on quote, because the pie is about a foot out of the pan. The pan is normal-sized, so it shouldn't have affected the pie in any way possible. "I honestly don't know. Something like this is just unexplainable," I explained after a while of silence. "Did you add anything what the recipe didn't say?"

"No, did anyone else add in something while I wasn't looking?" Everybody else shakes their head. "Asriel, Frisk, and I weren't even in the kitchen. So don't put the blame on us," Chara speaks up. Chara is a good kid, despite being misunderstood because of their eyes. Chara's eye color is really rare, so that's why her eyes are red. (Red eyes can be natural. I did a bit of research as to why Chara's eyes were as they were)

"I have no other ideas as to why this has happened."

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