Chapter 35

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Hey, school has been interfering with my uploading time, so I'll be uploading new chapters starting next week on Saturdays or Sundays.

(N/m)'s POV:

Ink and Error finally left my room and went back to wherever they came from. Before they left, they made a truce to not fight in our specific universe. I was ecstatic about that because I didn't want to have to deal with them myself every time they came into our universe. It would have gotten annoying otherwise.

I was currently watching a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie marathon with Alphys and Undyne. It was late, and sleep was threating me. Alphys already fell asleep, and Undyne was fighting the urge to sleep. We told each other that we would try not to fall asleep before the marathon was finished, but that was probably our determination talking.

Asgore found all three of us sleeping on the couch. He accidentally woke me up. Alphys was sleeping in Undyne's arms, and Undyne was sleeping away. I yawn. "Morning, Asgore," I whisper. I didn't want to wake the two lovers up.

"Good morning," he replies. "Sorry if I woke you."

"Nah, it's okay. You weren't doing it on purpose."

"Toriel's making breakfast if you want some." I slowly get up.

"Sure, I could some energy in my system."

"You know, for a goddess, you're more human than I thought."

"I'm not a plant, Asgore. I have to get energy somehow," I chuckle.

"I don't know. I thought you would get energy like a solar panel would," he jokes. I laugh.

"Hey, (N/m)," Sans says.

"Good morning," Toriel replies to me walking in the kitchen. She was making pancakes, bacon, and eggs. A hearty breakfast.

"Morning to both of you," I reply.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Frisk asks.

"I did, thanks."

"Did you finish the marathon?" Chara asks.

"I fell asleep before it ended. You could ask Undyne when she wakes up."

"Cool." Mettaton walks down into the kitchen.

"Mettaton? When did you get here?" I ask.

"I got here last night while you and Alphys were sleeping. I planned to come over way earlier, but I got held up in some really bad traffic, and Toriel, your cooking is wondrous."

"Thank you, Mettaton."

"You're welcome, darling."

We all started having pancakes, bacon, and eggs when Toriel finished cooking. She doesn't usually make that type of food. She only makes it when it's a really good day or she's in a good mood. "So, Toriel, what's got you in a good mood today?" I ask.

"Nothing special. I just woke up in a really good mood." I get suspicious, but I don't question it any further. I'll question her more later after I've had her food.

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