Chapter 7

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(y/n) = yes/no

Word/word = choice answer

As I flick through the TV channels, I complain, "This... is boring. I don't know what to do, and I don't feel like doing anything." (N/m), shut up, c'est la vie. Fortunately, my phone rings. (Insert ringtone) I pick it up and answer the call. "Hello?" I ask.

"(N/m), is that you? We need some help at Yogtowers. Think you can come and help?" It's just Lewis.

"Sure, what do you need help with?"

"You'll find out once you get there." Well, that's not much help.

"I'll be over in a few minutes, see ya!"

"See ya!" I hang up the call and sigh with a hand holding my face.

"Lewis, why can't you just tell me on the phone?" Why did I sign up to be in the Yogscast, anyway? Oh, right, I really wanted to be in the Yogscast. Herp-a-dur/dur/duh.

After a few minutes, I arrive at Yogtowers. Lewis is outside, specifically, waiting for me. I get off of my (f/c) skateboard and pick it up. Lewis walks over to me as I do so. "(N/m), so glad you could come."

"Yeah, yeah. What's the problem?"

"Alright, follow me inside. You'll probably get lost without me." I roll my eyes. I swear, if it is a seagull problem, I'm going to quit. Yogtowers has the most problems with seagulls. The stupid, darned birds. Once inside, I immediately spot a gun hanging on a rack. It is not behind a glass case for emergencies. (This is fictional.) "Lewis, why is there a gun here? I don't think there's any need for that."

"Safety precautions."

"Then, why is it not behind a glass case?"

"Okay, okay. It's not for safety precautions. It's actually for- you know what? You'll find out later." Why are you not telling me anything? I follow Lewis a lit bit longer. So far, I've seen a lot of recording rooms, the lounge, the editor's rooms, a lot more guns along the walls, a few fire extinguishers, a couple stairs, and now, an elevator. We are currently inside it, as it is taking us up to the top floor.

Finally reaching the top floor, the doors open to reveal a very fancy office, a really good view, and a couple more guns. "Okay, Lewis. I have to ask, what's with all the guns in here?!" Lewis sighs. "Alright, fine. Someone's going to have to explain it to you."

"Explain what?" I sit down.

"The Yogscast is not just a group of successful Youtubers. We are a mafia, technically. If people find out, we're done for. We're the only type of "mafia" to hide in plain sight."

"Like Assassin's Creed?"

"You play that game as well?"

"Yes, I like the game series/No, I heard of it."

"Do you want to play Assassin's Creed later?"

"Yes, let's go!/No thanks, I'd rather get down to business."

-If you chose yes, continue here-

Lewis and I walk into his recording room and set up the game and consoles. After a few hours, Lewis speaks up. "We should probably be getting back to what you originally came here for."

"But this game is so fun."

"(N/m), we can play afterward."

"Fiiine." We walk back into his office.

-If you chose no, continue here-

"Ahh, down to business I see."

"Lewis, shut up. Just tell me what the problem is."

"Alright, alright. Hold your horses."

-Story continues whether you chose to play or not-

Lewis brings out a map from inside a drawer. "This-" he points in an area near Yogtowers. "- is where our problem is. Our situation is to make the people inside this base unable to investigate our base. You can do what you want to, but the only rule is this, you cannot kill anyone inside. Got that?"


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