Chapter 42

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(N/m)'s POV:

My family and I were at the beach because it was summer break. I started calling the others "my family." So much time had passed. Helen actually relaxed during summer break to not bug us. Hallelujah!

I was chilling in the water near the shore. Everyone else was in the deeper parts of the water. I would have gone deeper, but my magic prevents me. It makes me walk on the water. I can't control it, and I don't know why. My dad doesn't know why either. He even asked the God of Wisdom. We still haven't gotten a response back.

A bucket full of water being poured on my head snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey!" I exclaim. "What was that for?" Papyrus poured the water.

"For sitting there and not having any fun!" Asriel replies.

"You look bored, (N/m). The Great Papyrus can fix that!" We finally got Papyrus to tone down his vociferous voice. That really helped all of us. Papyrus always did have a boisterous behavior. Asriel grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"You do realize, Asriel, that if you pull me into the deep water, my magic will automatically make me walk on it, right?"

"You can do that?!" He lets go of my arm.

"Yeah. I can't step into deep water."

"So, you can't swim?" I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. I close it and say, "I guess not. My magic has never let me get into deep water."

"Why does it not do that in shallow water?"

"No swimming in shallow water? I don't know,"

Unexpectedly, a gunshot goes off. My eyes widen as I hear people screaming and running away. I hear more gunshots from different places along the beach. There were multiple people, and they were coming. My family gets out of the water and circles around Asriel and I. I get out of the middle and swap places with Frisk and Chara. We were in defense mode.

The people who have the guns come towards only us. They point their guns at our defense circle, and one says, "Get the girl." It was a guy.

"Who?" Gaster asks. He points at gun and at my forehead and says, "You." If he fired his gun, I wouldn't die. It was a trick to scare me. He makes the gun click. (Basically the "chk chk" noise. I don't know the actual name) Well, that answered my next question.

The others were getting scared out of their wits. I couldn't signal anything or try to use my magic because someone would die. I'd have to play by their rules. "Step out of your... circle," he orders. I step out of it, and he binds my hands behind my back. He makes me turn to face the others.

"I'll be fine," I assure them. He slaps me, and I glare at him. The sun glints in my eyes. This seemed familiar to me, then I remembered.

"Let them go," a voice booms in the air. An old friend had come. Everyone looks around, but me.

"Who's asking?" he asks.

"Sing my song, pretty girl." There was definitely confusion going around. My old friend meant me.

"Retribution, my old friend," I sing. (The Hello Darkness tune) He appears and knocks out the guy who bound my hands. I knock out the other people with guns.

"I've come to save your butt again," he sings. I continue to sing his song.

"I didn't need your help this time."

"Says the person that got stuck that time." We laugh. His song was always silly. He wore a stereotypical cowboy outfit, including actual guns. He had blond hair, golden eyes, and was a bit taller than me.

"Hey, Retribution. It's been a long time since we saw each other, but did you have to call me, pretty girl?"

"Why not? You're always pretty." I sigh. "It's a good thing I decided to pay a visit to you."

"Yeah, that situation would have ended badly."

"Darling, who is this?" Mettaton asks. "He looks fabulous!" Retribution tips his hat at Mettaton.

"Why, thank you." I introduce everyone to the God of Retribution. Frisk has that certain look in her eyes.

"Frisk, no," I say.

"Love triangle!" she shouts.

"Frisk, no!"

"Wait, let me get this straight," Retribution says. He turns to me. "You, little missy, are into someone." I blush lightly. I avert my eyes.

"Shut up."

"You are!"

"Shut up!" I yell.

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