Chapter 33

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(N/m)'s POV:

I go downstairs to get Gaster and Sans. They're watching TV with Asgore. I speak up and ask, "Gaster, Sans? Can you two come with me please? I need to show you two something." They look at each other, shrug, and follow me into my room.

I open the door, and Ink and Error are fighting. Paint is splattered on the walls. I stop them from fighting by using blue magic and send each of them as far away from each other as I can within my room.

"Can you two not fight when you're together for two seconds?" I sigh angrily. "I go away for 10 to 15 seconds, and my room becomes a battleground.... Why?"

"It was-" Error attempts to say, but I interrupt him.

"Not a word from you, Error, and not a word from you either, Ink." I snap my fingers, and my room is back in order. "Now, Gaster, Sans, meet Ink and Error. They appeared in my room through portals."

"You pulled me through," Error retorts.

"What did I just say?"

"Welp, (N/m)'s got this situation covered," Sans says.

"Damn," is all Gaster can say.

"Okay, what I need to know is why are they in my room when the portals appeared."

"Well, with the time-space continuum when travelling through universes, portals made by Ink or Error-" Sans gets interrupted.

"Error makes the portals," Ink says. I face-palm.

"-it tends to be a location with enough available space for a portal or teleportation with or without numerous things, and it also tends to be near other Sanses. Maybe that would be the link between universe travel."

"So my room was the place chosen. Couldn't it have been outside?"

"Well, yes, but the portal placement didn't allow that."

"I see."

I allow Ink and Error to speak, but I kept an eye on them. Gaster, Sans, and I begin discussing what we know about other universes and our theories.

"I have a theory on a link from one universe to another, and how we are able to travel between universes," Sans asks.

"You said something about that earlier. Is that what you were talking about?" Gaster asks.

"Yes, with the creation of magic that could be the initial link, but with other universes like this one, myself and other Sanses could be the link."

"Universe travel is often done by people like me to protect them and their inhabitants, and not from Error. He's an exception."

"Why is Error an exception?"

"He's not someone that I'm supposed to protect universes from. As much as he can be in my control, I'm not allowed to do it."

"Since when were you the one being controlled?"

"I'm not being controlled. It's called order. People like myself have a system of running things better than any human, not to brag of course."

"Why are you still here in this universe if you don't need to protect it?"

"I don't need to be here, but I can stay in any universe under my protection for as long as I want."

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