Chapter 22

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Gaster's POV:

(N/m) and I were walking down a path in the park. We could see because a full moon was out. The scenery looked very beautiful in my mind. I couldn't say for (N/m). She looked gorgeous compared to anything here. Her (h/l), (h/c) behind her in the wind in (h/style). I had planned for this evening to be a walk in the park, literally. Then, we would do whatever afterward. It was nothing too fancy. It was just us two together after all.

(N/m)'s POV:

Gaster had taken us to the park. We were taking a moonlit stroll. These were always beautiful. "Gaster, what are we doing after this? Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like this, but-"

"I was thinking whatever you wanted to do. Well, we're both in this together, so I thought I could give you something that you loved to do if you didn't like taking a moonlit stroll in the park." He was so clever and thoughtful.

"I don't know. I find this peaceful enough." He smiles. I'm glad he likes this as well. I blush a little. He could be so cute at times.

We walked along the paths and talked about each other to get to know one another. "So, what's your favorite color? I know, it's cheesy. Mine is (f/c)," I say.

"I like a bit of purple, although I tend to like a multitude of colors, so I can't really decide." Personally, I like Gaster with purple because that's what I think he blushes. "So, what's your family like?" he asks. I try to think of who they were, but I can't recall anything.

"I don't remember. I couldn't remember anything before 4 years old. The only things I remembered was my name, I could use magic, and I knew how to use it."

"I'm sorry."

"No biggie."

"How did you cope with everything? To be better put, how did you survive until you were 16?" The next thing I said was embarrassing.

"I kind of made the food invisible and had it float towards me." I don't like talking about it much.

"That's amazing! I wonder what else you could do with magic." Gaster then goes into his 'thinking mode.' 

Then next thing I knew, I tripped. Not only that, but Gaster caught me. "Are you okay?" he asks, his voice has a little bit of worry in it. I was blushing like an insane madman with bombs in the city ready to explode.

"I-I-I'm f-fine." I nearly fainted out of joy. He picks me up and carries me bridal-style. "Wha?! Gaster, put me down!"

"I'm carrying you home, and there's nothing you can do to change it."

"Um, okay." Wait until the others see this. I will be a blushing mess.

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