Chapter 32

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Thanks to the people who gave me ideas for villains.

(N/m)'s POV:

Recently, odd occurrences have been appearing, whether good or bad I can't tell. Last week, the power went out and we were the first to get our power back, and Toriel made her famous butterscotch and cinnamon pies. The pie was perfectly fine until she pulled it out of the oven. Her face was covered in pie, although it was still delicious. (Poor Toriel) The parts of the pie that were stuck to her face did not want to come off. I ended up having to magically pull the pie pieces out of her fur.

I also noticed that someone was watching Chara, not anyone else, just Chara. I'll have to ask her if she had a secret admirer or something.

I nearly forgot, I was beginning to see other universes in my dreams. Most were weird, some were genocide, and others were pacifist.

I was relaxing in my room when a little portal-window-thingy appeared on the wall. I was getting up when another one appeared on the ceiling and Ink fell through. I was shocked. "Are you Ink?" I ask. I mentally slap myself. Of course that was Ink!

"Yeah, and you are?" I extended a hand to help him up.

"(N/m)." He takes my hand, and I help him up.

"How do you know me? You don't look like a monster."

"Okay, just to get things clarified, I'm not a human or a monster. I'm a goddess. I help protect this universe by those who wish to harm it. Also, why are you in my room?"

"This is your room? Neato. Anyway, Error made a portal to a random universe and pushed me through it." I point to the one behind Ink.

"Then why is that there?" Error shows his skull and sees us. "Hi, Error."

"How do you know me?"

"One, I can go through other universes, and two, I've been seeing other universes in my dreams. A couple of them have consisted of both of you." Error looks at Ink.

"I'll be going now," he says. I pull him in using magic and both portals close.

"You're not going anywhere until I get answers."

"Why, you!" He fires his blue strings at my soul, but I put a shield up, blocking them.

"You're not getting my soul, nor anyone else's for that matter. Now, I want answers."

"Sure," replies Ink.

"One, why are the both of you here?"

"As I said before, Error pushed me through to a random universe, and it happened to be this one. What type of universe are we in?"

"Undertale_Pacifist_#44372. Code green."

"Code green?" Error asks.

"A part of a coding system myself and other members use to represent the danger of universe destruction. Green is the safest condition, yellow is on its way, and red is immanent danger." I turn to the door. "Let me go and get Gaster and Sans. It'll be easier to hold you back in here, and to explain things of this universe. Stay here."

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