Chapter 3

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Gaster's POV:

After having a good night's sleep and a cup of coffee, I get changed into my work clothes and head off to work on a not-so-empty stomach. I wasn't really hungry, anyway.

The cold, morning air was brushing against my face. The wind  was blowing against the direction I was heading. It seemed to look as if I was gently fighting the wind.

I look across the street, and see my newest acquaintance, (n/m). She looks over at me and waves. I wave back to give a friendly gesture. I teleport to the other side of the road, on the sidewalk, and startle (n/m). "G-Gaster, you startled me for a second," she stutters. I chuckle. We walk down the street together.

"Sorry about that. I hardly used do it, but recent events gave me the courage to do it more often than not."

"Heh, lucky."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you can teleport. You can get yourself out of dangerous situations, or get somewhere faster in less time. I ... you know what I mean."

"Can't?" I respond.

"That's one way to put it. Anyway, what are you doing up this early in the morning?"

"Walking to work. You?"

"Just taking my morning stroll around the block."

"Wouldn't you get tired of it?"

"Huh? No, it calms me just to hear nature's words."

"Nature's words?"

"Yeah, you know, listening to what nature tells you."

"...I don't hear anything." (N/m) laughs.

"That's not I meant. You can't literally listen to nature and hear words from the trees or something. It's one of those things where you just know, but you have no explanation for it."

"Oh, how would I know, when I know?" (N/m) sighs.

"I can't explain it other than you just know it."

"Is that all you can do for explaining?"

"Unfortunately, yes. There's no other way to have it explained."

"That makes things a lot more difficult, then."

"Yes, yes it does." We arrive at a corner and a crosswalk.

"Anyway, I guess this is where we part ways. Unless, you're going the way I'm going, of course."

"No, we do split ways here. It was nice talking to you again, Gaster. I hope we see each other again."

"You too." We both wave goodbye and go our seperate ways. (N/m) is very cute.

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