Chapter 4

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Sorry, my readers, for not uploading in a while! I was busy and I had no ideas! Hope you like the chapter! -MoonReader109 signing out

Gaster's POV:

Lately, work hasn't been too busy, but a while ago, my co-workers and I discovered something very strange. We've no idea what exactly it is, but we've concluded that this is an anomaly in time-space. A flux of magical energy appears in special spots in towns and cities near here. Mainly tourist attractions. We don't know where the energy comes from, but if we could get a hold of it, we could make a revolution out of magic. We would have some of this magical energy in our grasp already, but everytime we try to contain it, it dissappears. We have nothing to work on other than this project, and we can't even do something until we have something that holds the energy.

Reader's POV:

Magical energy springing up around town? What's going on these days with the world? It hasn't been fake, that's for sure. I can see the energy, although most humans can't, and the media has been reporting these discoveries like crazy! No doubt today's technology can hold the energy. It'll escape back to the void, only to come out again at a later date. "Heh, to understand the supernatural, you can't use logic."

"Although scientists are trying their best to understand where the energy comes from, if anyone knows anything about the anomaly, please report this to your local scientist," says the newsreporter.

"People don't have personal scientists! What are you thinking?" I ask the TV. "Nobody else knows anything, anyway. If people knew of what magic can do to them, they wouldn't share it. I certainly wouldn't." I look at the clock. It's 1pm in the afternoon. "Well, time to go and meet Lewis at Starbucks."

Gaster's POV:

"Hey, Doctor Gaster! What if we held the magic in an artificial monster soul? Since monster souls contain magic," my assistant suggests.

"Hmm, that could work. But making an artificial soul is hard enough," I reply.

"True, but what other way can we get the energy in our possession?"

"Have you made a monster soul before?"

"No, I thought you might have."

"Dr. Alphys has made an artificial human soul before, but not a monster soul."

"And to think we had a breakthrough at last." This is going to be more harder than I initially thought.

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