Chapter 10

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Gaster's POV:

I was walking outside when, yet again, (N/m) is on the other side of the street. Just like a week or two ago, as well. I had literally just walked out the door because Toriel and Asgore persistently insisted that I get some fresh air and relax because of yesterday's events. Science can be very hard and frustrating when you can't get a grasp on anything.

I teleport across the street, but this time, (N/m) didn't get startled. They turn around and smile. "Hey, Gaster. I thought I felt someone watching me."

"Oh, h-hey, (N/m)." They're so cute-wait, did I just stutter?!

"Did you really think I would be startled by you again? Also, did you just stutter?"

"Um. apparently?" I get a little flustered, and (N/m) laughs.

"Well," they ask. "What are you doing out here?"

"I'm getting some fresh air. I've got nothing  else to do anyway. Say... do you want to - I don't know - meet my friends and family?" Probably not. Why would she want to do that?

"Sure! I'd love to." They look across the street. "I guess it's right over there?"

"Yeah." They look both ways at the road. It's as good as dead. They pull my hand and run across the street. Their laughter sounded like it could fill the mostly silent city with sound.

I open the door and shout, "I'm back, and I brought a friend!" I then hear Asgore's voice ask, "Who's this friend, Gaster?"

Reader's POV:

A big goat-person/monster wearing a big, pink sweater (however you want to describe Asgore) appears before Gaster and myself. "Oh, Asgore! This is (N/m)." I wave hello. The smell of a pie enters my nose. "I smell pie."

"That would be Toriel," Asgore replies. A goat-woman wearing a long, purple dress rushes into the kitchen.

"I'm assuming that would be her."

"You are correct." We walk into the kitchen. Toriel pulls out a very delicious-looking pie out of the oven. "Phew," Toriel sighs with relief. "The pie is normal-sized this time."

"Normal-sized? What does she mean?" I ask. Asgore walks over to Toriel and gets her to notice me. Toriel is then surprised by my not-so-sudden appearance. She walks over to me, picks me up, and hugs me.

When she puts me down, she apologizes, "I-I'm sorry. Something inside told me to do that. I feel as if I know you somehow, and you went away a very long time ago." Crap. Could they know? No, they would have recognized me sooner, I wonder.

"Well, that was weird. Though now that you bring it up Toriel, I feel the exact same," Gaster replies.

"Hmm, same," says Asgore.

Suddenly, a goat child speaks up, "Hey, Mom, Dad, and Gaster. Who's this?"

"Hello, my name is (N/m), what's yours?"

"I'm Asriel. Hey-wait! You should meet Chara and Frisk!" Asriel takes my hand and pulls me up the stairs into his room. It's very colorful, that I can say. "Chara, Frisk! Meet (N/m)!" Asriel then lets go of my hand.

"Hello, my name is Frisk, and I am the Ambassador of Monsters." Frisk is a female teenager who keeps their eyes closed almost all the time. "And this is Chara. She's shy." Chara looks at me with eyes of surprise. She is also a female teenager. (SHE IS NOT EVIL!) Chara hugs me. I am surprised because, normally, shy people don't hug people that easily. "What is with me hugged by people I just met?" I ask.

"Wow, that's a first. Also, what do you mean?" Frisk asks.

"Toriel did the same thing."

"She what?!"


"How did it happen?! Tell me!"

"Frisk...calm down, please," Chara speaks up quietly.

"Woah, what's going on up here, kiddos? I heard yelling," I hear a male voice say. I turn around and there is a short skeleton wearing pink slippers and a blue hoodie. Please don't hug me. Please don't hug me, I think in my head over and over. "Oh, I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton. Who might you be?"

"Hello, humans and little Asgore! It is I, the Grrrrrrrrrreat Papyrus!" a tall skeleton wearing I-don't-know-what and boots practically yells almost in my face.

"Oh, hey, Paps. This is... I never got your name."

"It's (N/m)," Chara says.

"Well, it seems Chara has gained a bit of CHARActer."

"Sans!" Papyrus yells.

"Wow, Sans. I didn't know you had SANSe of humor," I pun. (Forgive me. I am turning into the punny side of Sans. Expect more puns from the reader.) Sans, Frisk, Chara, Asriel, and I start laughing.

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