Chapter 19

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Gaster's POV:

"Wait, wait, wait. Say it again, Sans. (N/m) did what?" I ask.

"She slapped Helen and yelled at her. Then Helen stormed off." I was surprised.

"Great, now Helen knows about her," Toriel says. "To think we can protect people and monsters from Helen, Linda, and Donna."

"Yes, but (N/m) was able to fend off Helen just by yelling at her."

"When do you think Helen will return, or any of them for that matter?"

"I don't know Sans. I don't know."

"Where's (N/m)?"

"In her room, I think."

"I'll go check."

(N/m)'s POV:

Toriel opened my door and asked, "(N/m), are you in here?" I was half-asleep and didn't want to respond, but I believed Toriel saw me and closed the door, leaving me alone again. I decided to use magic and hear what everyone was saying downstairs. "(N/m)'s asleep." That would be Toriel.

"Okay, now we can openly talk about the mischievous trio," Gaster says. Wait, who's the mischievous trio?

"What plan do we have in store, or do we have to come up with another one?" Sans asks.

"We probably have to generate another plan like all the others." Gaster and Sans sigh. They're planning something? Why was I kept out of this? I could have helped! "We need yet another way to protect (N/m) from them."

"I thought keeping her out of this was the initial plan entirely."

"It was, but then she found out about Helen, which we couldn't prevent from happening."

"We tried to avoid it, but, again, she would have found out about them anyway."

"Was there any way we could have prevented this?"

"If I didn't take her to Grillby's, we wouldn't be worrying about this, so it's my fault."

"Nonsense, Sans, nonsense. We're all taking part in this. Just the three of us." None of the others knew about this, not even Papyrus?

"I have an idea, but the both of you might not like it."

"What is it, G?"

"Since (N/m) verbally fought with Helen alone and managed to get her to back off temporarily from Grilly's, what if we tell her about this? She might become suspicious otherwise." Oh, if only they knew what I'm doing right now.

"What?! No, I disapprove!"

"I've got to side with G on this one, Tori. Letting (N/m) in on this is a giant step forward. I'll only do this, if it's our last option."

"I did say the both of you wouldn't like it."

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