Chapter 2: Meeting Him

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Zoe's POV: 

I made it to the airport and went through security. My flight wasn't due to take off for another hour so I decided to grab a quick coffee from Starbucks. I went to stand in the queue and waited to order. 

Then I felt myself being pushed forward. I turned around to see a man behind me saying, "Hey watch it. I know you want your coffee and all but it ain't gonna run away." I rolled my eyes and smiled. Just as I was about to turn back around, he turned around and his blue icy eyes met mine.

"Hey, sorry for pushing you. These idiots don't even know how to stand in line." he said, smiling.

"It's fine." I said.

 "Why do I feel like we've met each other before?" he asked.

"I feel like I know you too." I said.

Then he studied my face very closely.

"Didn't we used to go to the same high school?" he asked. "Aren't you Zoe......Zoe Brooks?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Remember me? Used to bunk a few classes? Best friends with Joe and Colby? Really rebellious?" he asked.

"Wait, Jonathon? Jonathon Good?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, oh my god, after all these years. And please, call me Jon. How have you been?" he asked.

"I've been good. I'm studying journalism for NYU." I said.

"Wow, still studying eh?" he asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked.

"Me and my friends have all been training to go to WWE. I'm sure you've heard of it right?" he asked.

"Yeah I have. Congrats." I said.

"Thanks." he said. "So, where are you off to?"

"I'm going to LA for some sight seeing program." I said.

"No way, me and my friends are going there too." he said.

"Cool, it looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot more then." I said.

"Yep." he said.

I felt really strange. I was talking to this guy perfectly normally. Usually I would be really uncomfortable talking to new people. Maybe it's because we went to the same high school. But we never did talk to each other much. I don't get it.

"So how have your family been? Boyfriend?" he asked.

"My family have been great. They support me with everything that I do. I don't have a boyfriend because I really want to focus on my education first." I said. "What about you?" 

"My family have been alright I guess. I don't have a girlfriend. I had one before but she ripped my heart in two so I just wanna focus on my career. I don't really have a heart anymore. I've decided that I'll never let anyone in my life again." he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said.

I got my coffee and said goodbye to Jon and went to the other queue to board the plane.

I boarded the plane and went to find my seat. I sat down and got my phone and earphones out to listen to some music. Then someone came and sat down next to me.

"Oh hi again." said Jon.

"Oh hi, we meet again." I said.


Then the plane took off and about 20 minutes into the flight, I felt really tired so I leant my head on the window and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

After a while, I felt myself being shaken. I woke up and saw my head wasn't leaning on the window. It was on Jon's shoulder and my arms were wrapped around his.


Jon's POV:

Zoe fell asleep about 20 minutes into the flight. She was really nice. I can't believe that we never spoke to each other in high school. I'm kinda excited to be travelling around with her. Wait, what am I saying? 

Then I felt something hit my shoulder. I looked over and saw Zoe's head on my shoulder with her arms wrapped around mine. Usually, I would push them away, but for some reason, I didn't want to push her away. I wanted to her stay with me. What is wrong with me??

Just as we were about to land, I gently shook her to wake her up.


Zoe's POV:

I woke up and saw how I was sleeping.

"Oh my god Jon, I am so sorry. I really hope I didn't annoy you or something." I said, feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine Zoe." he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive." he said.

The plane landed and I got out of the airport to get some fresh air. Then someone came and stood next to me. 

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