Chapter 9: Spending The Day With Jon

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Zoe's POV:

"Zoe??" I heard. 

I turned around and saw Jon. My heart started hammering. I ran up to him into a huge hug. 

"I missed you sooooo much." I said, hugging him tightly. 

"I missed you too Zo." he said. 

"I missed you calling me that." I said as we pulled away. 

"I can't believe you work here now." he said. 

"Yeah, I got an email from here saying they wanted me as an interviewer and here I am." I said. 

"Well I'm glad. I've just finished my match and I'm guessing you're done with your interviews for the day. How about we go out, spend the day together, catch up?" he said. 

"Sure, I'm down." I said, excited to spend some quality time with him. 



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(Zoe's outfit)^

We walked down to Starbucks and ordered our favorite coffees.

"I remember when we met here at the airport." I said. 

"Yeah, that idiotic guy was really getting excited for his coffee." he said. 

I giggled. He is really adorable.

"You're cute when you giggle." he said. 

"Oh please, I hate my giggle. It's so embarrassing." I say blushing. 

"No it's adorable." he said. 

"Thanks." I said. 

We finished our coffees and went for a walk on the beach. We walked along the water with our shoes off, letting the water touch our feet.

"Can I ask you something Jon?" I asked. 

"Sure." he said. 

"Do I really deserve this job?" I asked. 

"What?? Of course you do. You have worked so hard for this." he said.

"I just feel like I didn't earn it." I said. 

"You did earn it Zo. You worked for more than two years to get to where you are." he said. 

I turned around to face him. 

"You are amazing at the job that you do. And you are amazing. Don't forget that." he said. 

Then he kissed my forehead which instantly created butterflies in my stomach. 

"Thank you Jon. You're really sweet." I said, smiling.

"It's just one of many good qualities about me." he said. 

"Did you just say that Mr Good?" I asked. 

"Yes I did." he said as we laughed. 

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