Chapter 25: The Nightmare 😧

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A/N: Just to let you know again, I cried whilst typing this chapter too so be ready. Get the sad music and tissues ready. 


Jon's POV:

I felt really grateful for everything my friends had done for me. I did feel more relaxed and less stressed than before. We cut the cake and I fed some to Zo and we played some games and ate lots of food. 

We were having so much fun that we didn't even realize what time it was. It was 11 o'clock. 

"Whoa, guys, it's already 11. I better get to bed. Let's go Z-" 

I turned around to see Zoe asleep on the couch. I smiled and went over to pick her up. She snuggled into my chest as she continued to sleep. 

"Night guys." I said. 

"Night." they said, all giving Zoe a kiss on her forehead. 

I went into our room and changed myself and Zoe into our bedclothes and tucked ourselves in before drifting off into a deep sleep. 


2 am

Zoe's POV:

Zoe's Dream:

I stood smiling as the priest continued reading. I couldn't stop smiling. I can't believe I'm finally getting married to Jon. This is the happiest day in my life and nothing could top it. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." the priest said. 

"Don't mind if I do." Jon said, making me smile as we both leant in for a kiss. 

Everyone cheered as we pulled away. 

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard and everyone screamed. Everyone began running away into their cars and driving away. I looked for Jon but I couldn't find him amongst the crowd of people. 

I saw the back of Joe's head so I screamed his name. 

"Joe!!!" I screamed. 

I made it to Joe and he was about to turn around when another bullet was fired, ripping through him. 

"JOE!!!!" I screamed as he fell on his knees, holding his bloody side.  

"Zoe, it's okay. Go......and find Colby and Jon and get......get out of here." he said. 

"No, nothing will happen to you Joe. Please stay with me." I said, holding onto him. 

"I......I think my time up Zoe. Tell.......tell April and our.....son that......I love them." he said before collapsing on the floor.

"NO!!!!! Joe, please wake up. You can't leave us.....JOE!!!" I screamed whilst shaking him. 

I looked around to see if I could find anyone else. Then Colby came running to me. 

"Zoe, we have to go. Where's Joe?" he asked. 

I felt tears run down my face. 

"He's......he's dead." I cried, pointing to his body. 

Colby looked and covered his mouth as tears formed in his eyes. 

"No, no!!! Joe, wake up man!!! Joe!!!!" he cried. 

Then he got up to face me. 

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