Chapter 32: If One Dies.....The Other Dies Too

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2 days later.....

Zoe's POV:

I sat in the chair next to Jon's bed, holding his hand. I have been here for the past two days with Colby. Joe and April found out what happened and came to see him but they couldn't stay for very long because they had to work. They wanted to stay with me but I insisted that they should go. I wanted Colby to work too but he said he wanted to look after me. 

Colby contacted Hunter and Stephanie and told them what had happened. Hunter and Steph said they would let us take as much time off as we wanted to. They were gonna come by later on today to see Jon. 

His condition hadn't improved for the past two days. He was still on the ventilator and in a coma, but the doctors said not to expect any improvement for at least a week. I hadn't slept all night, I wanted to make sure that Jon was okay when the doctors weren't in the room.

Colby had gone back to the hotel to get some spare clothes and travel pillows for both of us, since we would be spending a lot of time in the hospital. Colby tried to convince me to sleep at the hotel but I refused. There was no way I would leave Jon's side at a time like this. 


Colby's POV:

I arrived back at the hospital and made my way up to Jon's room. I had to prepare myself before going in because I knew that seeing my brother so lifeless would hurt me. It didn't surprise me to see Zoe rather sleep deprived.

"Zoe, I got the stuff. Are you sure you don't want to go to the hotel? You're in a terrible condition." I said. 

"No, I'm staying here. And thanks for the stuff." she said. 

"Hunter and Steph are coming in an hour or so. How is he?" I asked, sitting down next to her. 

Zoe didn't reply. Instead, she rubbed her sore eyes as a few stray tears fell down her cheeks. 

"Look I know it's hard for you but you can't lock yourself away from everyone. You need to talk." I said. 

I didn't know how Jon was because I wasn't at the hospital last night. 

"Has he made any improvements since last night?" I asked. 

"No." Zoe mumbled quickly, trying to stop herself from crying. 

"Oh." I said. For some reason, I expected Jon to recover pretty fast. He is very strong. 

"Do you want me to watch him, so you can sleep?" I asked. 

"No, I'm fine. I'm not tired." she said. 

I could tell she was lying. Zoe looked like she was about to pass out. 


We both stayed silent until Hunter and Steph arrived. Their faces showed a mixture of shock, pain and surprise. 

" I.....I don't know what to say. " said Hunter. 

I saw Zoe trying to keep her tears in. She ran to Stephanie and hugged her, crying on her shoulder. 

"I.....I'm so sorry Zoe." Stephanie said, hugging her back. "What happened to him?"

I explained everything as they took it all in. 

"Was he upset about something?" asked Hunter. 

"I think so. It's why he had such a horrible breakdown." I said. 

"How long will he be here for?" Stephanie asked, wiping her tears.

"It all depends on when......he wakes up." Zoe said. 

"Well, like I said, take as much time off as you want. And don't worry about the bills and stuff. We'll take care of them." Hunter said. 

"Thank you." Zoe muttered. 

"We need to go, take care of yourselves." Stephanie said as they left the room.

I looked at Zoe, who was sitting again, looking at Jon. I know for a fact that if Jon dies, Zoe will die with him.

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