Chapter 13: So Embarrassing

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Zoe's POV:

Today I was hanging out with Renee and Naomi. We were in Starbucks drinking coffee. 

"So, what's been going on between you and Jon?" asked Naomi. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Come on. I see the way you look at him." she said. 

"Okay, so I like him." I said. 

"Awww." she said. 

"I need to tell you girls something." I said. 

"Girl, spill." said Renee. 

I told them everything that happened between me and Jon and when we almost kissed. 

"OH. MY. GOD!!" they both said. 

"Does Jon like you?" asked Naomi. 

"He hasn't liked anyone for years." said Renee. 

"How do you know?" I asked. 

"Me and Jon have been friends since he first came to WWE. He always used to talk about you." she said. 

 "Really?" I asked blushing. 

"Yeah." she said. 


Two hours later....

I was in the arena with the guys. They were in their locker room. I was talking to Colby. 

"So Colby, do you by any chance like someone here?" I asked. 

"WHAT???!!! Who told?" he asked the guys. 

"We didn't say anything." said Jon and Joe. 

"Okay, so I like someone. You have to promise not to tell." he said. 

"I won't." I said. 

"I like-" he whispered before getting cut off by Renee who just entered the room. 

"Sorry for interrupting guys. Zoe, we'll need you in ten minutes for an interview." she said. 

"Okay, thanks Renee." I said as she smiled and walked off before quickly looked at Colby. 

I turned back around to Colby to see him staring towards the door, smiling. 

"Colby?" I said, waving my hand. 

"COLBY!!!" I shouted pushing him. 

"What?" he asked. 

"You like Renee." I said. 

"Please don't tell anyone." he said. 

"Your secret's safe with me." I said, winking. 

Joe's POV:

I watched as Zoe and Colby were talking. I looked at Jon who was staring at Zoe. He so likes her. 

"Jon." I said shaking him grabbing Zoe and Colby's attention. 

"Huh??" he said. 

"You were kinda staring in that direction." I said, pointing towards Zoe. 

I saw her blushing. 

"What? No." he said. "Right, I'm gonna go now." he said, getting up. 

Jon's POV:

I got up from the sofa and walked towards the door still looking at Zoe. Being the idiot that I am, I wasn't paying attention and bumped into the door earning chuckles from Zoe. That was so embarrassing. 

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