Chapter 58: Talk about Love and Marriage

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Jon's POV:

"I am so nervous right now. What if I say something wrong??" Joe asked.

Today was Joe and April's wedding day. Colby and I were helping Joe get ready and calm him down. Every five seconds, he'd ask what he would do if he did something wrong. It was starting to let a little bit annoying but I know he just wants his wedding to be perfect. You only get married to the love of your life once. 

"You won't say anything wrong. You'll have your vows in front of you. Just keep your eyes on April and not everyone else." Colby said. 

"Yeah, but if you still get nervous, take a deep breath and keep going." I said. 

"You guys are right. I'm sorry if I'm being a pain. It's just that I'm going to start the next phase of my life and I just want everything to be perfect." he said. "You guys have no idea what the pressure is like." 

I started wondering what I'd be like on my wedding day, if I decided I'd want to get married. I'm sure I wouldn't be as panicked as Joe. You just get ready all fancy, say your vows, kiss and bam, you're married. I'm pretty sure it's not that hard.

"It is that hard Jon." Joe said, making me look at him.

"What??" I asked. 

"You were thinking out loud." Colby said. 

"It isn't that simple Jon. Marriage is like the most important thing of your life. It brings you and your lover closer. It's a union between two people. It's when your two souls become one. Marriage ties the knot of your relationship. It takes commitment. You have to know that you want to spend the rest of your life with the person you're about to marry." Joe said. 

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that." I admitted.

When I was planning on proposing to Kimmy, I didn't think about that. I just thought of it as both of us staying together forever. I thought about what it would be like getting married to Zoe. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with her. But again, I couldn't be thinking like this. It hasn't even been a year since we started dating. I don't know if I'm ready to get married and settle down yet and I don't know about Zoe either. 

"Jon, come on." I heard Colby say. 

I realized Joe and Colby had already left and I was still standing there. I rushed out of the room, catching up with both of them. 


Zoe's POV:

Zoe's Outfit 

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Zoe's Outfit 

I was with Renee, helping April get ready. She looked really beautiful. Joe was a very lucky guy.

"Thank you so much for picking my dress, Zoe. It's perfect." April said. 

"It was no problem. It's your wedding. You have to look the most beautiful." 

"I can't wait to see what you wear for your wedding. Jon wouldn't be able to take his eyes of you." Renee said, making me blush.

"I don't even know if Jon wants to get married. It's all up to him really. I can't wait to see you and Colby together though." I said, making her blush. 

"I mean, we've been dating only a couple of months but I feel like I can spend the rest of my life with him. We haven't even said 'I love you' to each other yet."

"You guys are perfect for each other." April said. "Don't tell Colby, but when you're not looking, he's always staring at you. Like in a loving way. It's so adorable."

I knew that Colby loved Renee but I wasn't going to tell her. That was something he was going to have to say himself.

"Do you love him, Renee?" I asked. 

"Do you remember when I texted you, saying I really needed to talk to you?" she asked. "Just before Jon had to go to the hospital?"

"Yeah." I nodded. 

"Well, what I wanted to talk to you about was that I wanted to tell him that I love him." she said, smiling.

"Awww, that's so cute." April said. " I remember when Joe said 'I love you' to me. We were on a date in the park and he just blurted it out."

"I remember when Jon and I confessed. After we kissed on new years, we both said 'I love you' at the same time." I said, remembering that moment.

"That's just the cutest way to confess." Renee said. "I just hope I could actually say it."

"You will be able to. If you actually love him, it will come out naturally. You just to wait for the right time." April said. 

"Thanks, now we shouldn't be talking about me and Colby. This is your day." Renee said. 

We all laughed and as soon as April was ready, we left. 


20 Minutes Later.....

We all arrived at the church and all the guests were walking inside and taking their seats. I was about to take mine next to Jon when Colby came up to me. 

"Hey Colb, what's up?"

"I love you."

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