Chapter 35: Back In The Days

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Zoe's POV:

I was still sobbing loudly as I leant against Jon's bed. Colby and Joe came up to me and hugged me tight as they cried. I started to wonder what my life would be like without Jon. How would my job go? Would I find someone else? I couldn't find someone else. They wouldn't mean as much to me as Jon did. 

I remembered all of mine and Jon's moments together. I remembered the first words he said to me at the airport. 

"Hey sorry for pushing you. These idiots don't know how to stand in line."

I remembered when I fell asleep on his shoulder on the plane. 

"Oh my god Jon, I am so sorry. I really hope I didn't annoy you or something." I said, feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine Zoe." he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive." he said.

I smiled slightly as I remembered that. I also remembered when he convinced me to go to the party. 

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I'm a dork since I've never been to a party." I said looking down.

"Hey." he said, lifting my chin up with his fingers. I stared into his icy blue eyes. My heart started pounding. I couldn't say anything.

"You are not a dork." he said softly. "And if you were, you would be the most beautiful, fun dork there ever was."

I couldn't control myself. I jumped on him into a huge hug. He seemed taken aback for a few seconds but then he hugged back.

  "Now lets see that smile. If I had a heart, I would be going crazy for that smile right now." He said.  

That was one of the best moments for me. How could I forget when he saved me from that man?

This guy was still trying to force himself onto me. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to avoid the situation. Tears were falling down my face. Then suddenly, it felt like he was gone. I opened my eyes to see the guy getting beat up on the floor by.....JON!!! Where did he come from?

"How dare you fucking touch her you bitch!!!!!" he screamed as he continuously punched and kicked him.

The guy was pretty much knocked out after that. My heart was pounding as more tears streamed down my face. Jon looked at me and his eyes softened.

"Zo, are you okay?" he asked.

I immediately ran up to him and hugged him as hard as I could. He hugged me back. I was proper crying at this point. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted Jon to stay with me.

There was no way I forgot our first kiss.

"So Jon, why did you ask me out? Out of everyone you could have picked, you picked plain old me." I said.

"Because you're special Zoe." he said. "You make me feel like no other girl has ever made me feel before. Because you're perfect just the way you are."

I smiled as I stared into his eyes. As we started to lean in, my heart started pounding as butterflies formed in my stomach. Our lips connected as we shared a soft kiss. I felt sparks as our lips moved in sync. From that moment on, I knew he was the one for me. 

I remembered when I made him blush.

"Colbs, are you blushing?" I asked smirking.

"Whaaaaat? No." he said. Obviously, he was lying. "Guys don't blush."

"Yeah they do." I said. "I make Jon blush all the time."

"What? No. If anything, I make you blush." Jon said, pinching my cheek.

"You are such a hot and sexy hunk of a man." I said.

Jon's face went bright red.

"See." I said.

"Is he blushing?" asked Colby.

"Yeah." I said.

"I'm not blushing.'s just very hot in here." he said.

"Yeah, cause you're in here." I said, causing his face to go even redder. 

Or how could I forget this. 

 I smiled and looked down to see Jon staring at me smiling.

"What??" I asked, smiling at him, stroking his hair.

"You know Colby's right. You are the sweetest person ever and I am so so so lucky to have you." he said, playing with my blonde locks of hair that fell down to my waist.

"If anything, I'm really lucky to have you. You didn't even want a girlfriend and the fact that you changed that for me really means a lot." I said.

"But me knowing that I'm your first boyfriend makes me feel so special." he said.

I smiled and leant down to give him a kiss. 

Or when we admitted that we loved each other.

"I love you." we both said at the same time.

Our eyes widened and we both smiled, hugging each other and tears of joy falling down my face. 

I smiled as I remembered all those happy moments from back in the days and now, everything is ruined. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard,




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