Chapter 51: Wedding Dresses and Secrets

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Zoe's POV:

"Oh my god." I said. 

"You were pretty crazy last night, but I thought it was adorable." Jon said, holding me. 

"Yeah, I am never drinking again. I probably made a fool of myself in front of Joe and Colby." I said. 

"I'm sure they won't care." he said. He kissed my cheek and got up to go to the bathroom. 

I got up and went to Joe's bedroom. He was in bed, on his phone. He turned around and saw me. 

"Hey Zoe." he said, putting his phone away. 

"Hey, listen, I'm really sorry about last night. I got so drunk-"

"It's fine Zoe. Everyone goes crazy when they drink." Joe said. "Plus, I got a cute nickname out of it."

"JoeBear." I said, chuckling. "I better go and see Colby."

I walked to Colby's room and saw it was empty. I heard the shower running so I figured he was showering. I waited for him to get out and when he did, he sat down next to me.

"How's your head?" he asked. 

"It was killing me but it's getting better now." I said. 

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I was acting ridiculous-"

"It's fine Zoe. It was your first time drinking." he said. 

"And definitely my last." I said. 

"And I got a cute nickname." he said. 

"Well, you are a little ninja." I smiled. 

"That, my friend, is true." he said. 

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said. 

I walked out of his room and saw Jon with a towel around his waist. My eyes widened. I saw the way the drops of water ran down his chest and chiseled abs. 

"Like what you say babe?" Jon asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"I'm liking it a lot." I said. 

I kissed him and went to the bathroom to get ready. Today, I was gonna go shopping with April and Renee so April could buy her wedding dress. 


1 Hour Later.....

(Zoe's outfit)^^^^^

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(Zoe's outfit)^^^^^

I met April and Renee at the mall. We walked around for a little until we found a store that sold wedding dresses. 

"Zoe, why don't you pick. Your choice is always the best." April said. 

"Are you sure? It is your wedding dress." I said. 

"Trust me Zoe. I know I'll love what you pick." April said. 

I nodded and had a look at a few dresses until I found one that I really liked.

I nodded and had a look at a few dresses until I found one that I really liked

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"Wow Zoe. This is the one." April and Renee said. 

We bought the dress and left the mall. April couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to be spending the rest of her life with Joe.


I got back from the mall and went back to my hotel room. When I got inside, I saw Jon's back facing me. It looked like he was writing something down in some sort of book. I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. 

Jon's POV:

I was writing in something I couldn't let anyone know about. I didn't even tell Zoe I owned this. It was the only thing where I could write my private thoughts in. I own a diary. Yeah, I know. Jon owns a diary??? How can this be??

Well, I used to have so many pent up feelings inside of me, I needed to think of another way of letting them all out instead of just beating up people that I didn't like. Someone suggested a diary to me and at first, I wasn't very keen on the idea but soon enough, I found myself buying one and writing in it everyday. 

I was writing when I felt something jump on my back. I jumped and quickly shoved my diary under my pillow. I looked up and saw Zoe, smiling at me. 

"Gosh, you scared me Zo." I said, trying to act normal. 

"That was the whole idea." she said, kissing my cheek. 

"How was shopping? Did April find a dress?" I asked. 

"Yeah, she got me to choose. " Zoe said. "Didn't I see you writing in something?"

", you must be seeing things." I said, nervous she found out. 

"Hmm....maybe. Anyways, I'll go fix us up some lunch." she said. 

"Okay." I said. I kissed her lips and Zoe went to the kitchen.

As soon as Zoe was out of my sight, I reached for under the pillow and quickly pulled my diary out. I signed off and went over to my suitcase, tucking it at the bottom, under all my clothes.

Then, I joined Zoe in the kitchen and helped her make lunch. 


A/N: We found out another one of Jon's secrets. He owns a diary. What do you think he writes about though? Any ideas??

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