Chapter 24: The Car Drive and Surprise!!!!

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Jon's POV:

I woke up and checked the time. It was 3 o'clock. A three hour nap. I yawned and looked down at Zoe who was still asleep. I kissed her and sat up in bed. My phone began vibrating so I picked it up to see who was calling me. It was Stephanie.  

"Hello." I said. 

"Hey Jon, I just wanted to ask how Zoe was? Has her condition improved at all?" she asked.

"Well, when I hold her hand and I put the TV on or give her something, she squeezes my hand very lightly. I just think it's her way of saying thanks or something." I said.

"That sounds good. What is she doing now?" Stephanie asked.

"She's just napping." I said. 

"Okay, well, I'll call again tomorrow to check on things." she said.

"Okay, thanks Steph." I said. 

"It's alright, bye." she said. 

"Bye." I said, hanging up.

I put my phone down and I instantly remembered what happened a few hours ago. I snapped at everyone. I didn't want to but my mom is a sensitive topic for me. I can't help but feel guilt, sadness and anger. I guess I should apologize to everyone. 

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face and dried it, coming out of the bathroom. Zoe was still asleep so I covered her with the blanket and kissed her cheek. 


I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room to see that nobody was there. I checked all of their rooms but they weren't there either. They probably hate me for snapping like that so they probably left. I walked back to our room to see Zoe awake, lying down in the same position I left her in. I walked over to the bed and sat her up. 

"How about we go for a drive Zo?" I said, holding her hand. "Squeeze my hand if you want to go for a drive."

I felt her lightly squeeze my hand. I smiled, tidied her hair a little and grabbed a jacket. I put my jacket on and I decided to put another one of my jackets on Zoe because she looked cute in them. I picked Zoe up and carried her down to my rental car. I opened the car door and sat her in her seat, doing her seat belt. I went over to the driver's seat and got in, doing my seat belt. 

I started the car and drove down the road. The car ride was silent since Zoe wouldn't talk. I sighed as I saw her stare out of the window. I decided to get some lunch since I was starting to get a little hungry. I drove to McDonald's and ordered me and Zoe a burger with some chips and a milkshake. I payed for the food and I drove into the car park so we could eat. 

I ate and fed Zoe and then I decided to drive back to the hotel. I parked the car and got out to get Zoe. I carried her to our room and I opened the door, shocked at what I saw. There were balloons everywhere, banners and streamers and a huge cake, sitting in the middle of the table. I closed the door with my foot and walked in, still carrying Zoe. Colby, Renee, Joe and April all came out of the kitchen with smiles on their faces.  

"Ummm, guys, what is this?" I asked, confused. 

"We wanted to apologize Jon." said April. 

"We were being really pushy even though you were stressed with Zoe's condition and all." said Renee. 

"We noticed how depressed and stressed out you were and we thought we could have a small little hang out to just forget everything." said Colby. 

"We thought it could be a nice environment for Zoe too. She might come out of her trauma." said Joe. 

I was shocked. They did so much for us and I snapped at them. I felt guilty. 

"Thanks guys, but I wanna apologize too. I snapped at you guys for no reason. It's just that me learning to cook brought up really bad memories from my fucked up past and I just couldn't handle it." I explained, looking down. 

"It's alright, we know the situation you're in and we know you had a past that you don't wanna share." said Joe. 

"I'll definitely tell you guys when I'm ready. It's just a sensitive topic." I said.  

"It's okay, take all the time you need." Colby said, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Thanks." I said. "So, how about we cut this cake?" 

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