Chapter 43: Rumble Numbers and An Amazing Surprise

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up and stretched. I remembered what happened the day before. I smiled and looked over at Jon sleeping. I stroked his hair and got up for the day. I freshened up and got changed. 

I came out of the bathroom and saw Jon awake, typing away on his phone

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I came out of the bathroom and saw Jon awake, typing away on his phone. 

"Morning." I said, giving him a kiss. 

"Morning." he said. 

"Who were you talking to?" I asked. 

"No-one, just Joe." he said. 

"Okay." I said. 

I sat down slowly on the bed, wincing slightly. 

"What wrong? Why are you wincing?" Jon asked.

"I told you already. I'm.....a little sore." I said.

He smiled. "Well, I'm just that good. You know, you're glowing too."

"Go get ready." I said as he laughed, walking to the bathroom. 

I playfully rolled my eyes and slowly got up to make breakfast. I went to the kitchen and made some oatmeal for me and Jon. 


1 Hour Later....

I went with Jon to the gym as he wanted to work out a little. 

"I miss being in that ring." he said, pouting.

"You will get back to that ring. You just gotta work hard and motivate yourself." I said.

He gave me a kiss and went to work out whilst I went to one side to call Stephanie. 

"Hi Zoe. How are things going?" Stephanie asked. 

"Things are going great. Thanks for asking. I just called because I can tell Jon is getting a little depressed with not being in the ring and all." I explained. 

"I see. I know how much Jon loves being in that ring. Me and Hunter were actually talking about Jon's return. We were thinking, since the Royal Rumble is about a month away, we make him a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble match. He can be number 30. It could be the biggest return of the year." Stephanie said.

"Oh my god!! Really?? He'd love that. Can I tell him?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah sure, listen, I have to go. Bye." she said. 

"Bye." I said, putting my phone away. 


30 Minutes Later.....

"Someone looks very happy." Jon said, walking towards me. 

"I am. Ask me why." I said, smiling. 

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