Chapter 53: The Bachelorette Party

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Zoe's POV:

We were on our way to the restaurant in the car when a speeding lorry came towards us. We all panicked. 

"April, look out!!" we all cried.

April tried to turn the car around but it was too late. The car flipped upside down and we were all covered in blood. I felt darkness over take me. 





























Just kidding. Just something to scare you guys. I can't let them die like that. I bet I got you guys good. 🤣🤣 Anyways, on with the story.


Zoe's POV:

The girls and I all made it to the restaurant. We walked inside and were taken to our table that was already booked for us. We all sat down and ordered something to eat. We were all randomly talking when a group of men came into the restaurant. 

They walked past our table and one of them saw me. Then, he winked at me!! I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly looked away. 

"Oh my god. That guy just winked at you." Nikki said. 

"If Jon was here, he would've beat the crap out of him." April said. 

"That guy is lucky to be alive right now." Renee said. 

"I know, I better keep my distance from him." I said. 

Our food arrived and we all ate, everyone talking about their partners. 

"How are you and Bryan?" I asked Brie.

"We're good. We're planning on having kids. Actually, I already feel like I'm pregnant." Brie laughed. 

"When was the last time you guys had sex?" Mercedes asked. 

"Like 3 weeks ago." Brie said. 

"And have you been vomiting much?" Natalya asked. 

"If you count almost every morning since last week." Brie said. 

All our eyes widened. 

"Oh my god.....are you pregnant?" I asked. 

"I need to check. If I am, it'll be the best thing ever." Brie said. 

"Let's go and get you a pregnancy kit." I said. 

Me and Brie left the table and went over to the nearest pharmacy. We picked up a pregnancy kit and went back to the restaurant. We were both making our way to the bathroom when I saw that guy looking at me. The same guy that winked at me. 

"That guy is starting to creep me out." I whispered to Brie. 

"He's obviously interested in you." Brie said. 

"I wish Jon was here. I would love to see him beat the crap outta him." I said, chuckling. 

"Well, if he does approach you, just tell him you're taken. And if he doesn't understand that, kick in the nuts. That always works for me." Brie said. 

"Trust me Brie. I did that once and it felt good." I said. 

"Savage Zoe and that." Brie said. 

We both went into the bathroom and Brie went into one of the stalls to use the pregnancy test. I waited by sinks, just checking my makeup in the mirror. Brie came out and washed her hands whilst we both waited for the result.

"I am so freaking nervous right now. These next few minutes could change my entire life." Brie said. 

"You would be a great mother Brie. I'd love to see you walk around with a little child." I said. 

"Awww, thanks Zoe." she said. 

We both looked down at the test to see the results showing. 

"Oh my god. I'm pregnant!!!" Brie said, tears of joy running down her face. 

"Awww, congratulations Brie." I said, giving her a hug. 

"Thank you so much Zoe." she cried, hugging me back. 

"So, do you wanna break the news?" I asked. 

"Yeah." she said. 

We both walked out of the bathroom and up to our table. 

"So?...." Nikki asked.

"Guess who's gonna be an auntie?" Brie said. 

"Oh my god!!!" everyone said. "Congrats Brie." 

"I'm gonna be an auntie." Nikki said. "I'm gonna be the best auntie ever."

She got up and gave her sister a hug. Everyone got up for a group hug. I smiled at the happy moment. I felt someone tap my shoulder so I turned around to see that guy from earlier. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I just wanted to say that you're really pretty and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime?" he said. 

"Um...well, that's really sweet of you but I have a boyfriend." I said. 

"I don't see him here." he said, looking a little agitated. 

"Well, he isn't going to be here if it's just us girls hanging out." I said, a little nervous. 

"Can you please leave Zoe alone?" Renee said, making all the other girls turn to see what the problem was. 

"Is he irritating you Zoe?" April asked. 

"Yeah." I said. 

"Didn't she tell you she's taken?" Natalya asked. 

"Again, I still don't see her man around here." the guy said. 

"Then maybe you should turn around." a voice said, which sounded very familiar. 

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